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1 page/≈275 words
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Religion & Theology
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 4.75

Human Nature and the Story of the Creation and Fall

Coursework Instructions:

The Christian worldview provides an explanation for human nature and the story of the creation and fall (Gen. 1-3). A great deal of the suffering that people experience and much of man's inhumanity to man are explained by this description of the fall of human nature. Is this characterization of human nature accurate? Why or why not? If not, what is an alternative explanation?

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Fall of Human Nature
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Is this characterization of human nature accurate?
According to the Christian worldview, one cannot dispute that human nature was created perfect and placed in the garden of Eden. Consequently, if the fall of human nature as envisaged in Gen 1- 3 did not happen, we would be living in a perfect state of things. The fall of human nature introduced sin into the world because Adam and Eve disobeyed God. The introduction of sin into the world resulted in the corruption of all humanity. Consequently, it would be proper to conclude that the account of creation and fall in Genesis 1-3 may help explain the persistence of human suffering a...
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