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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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MS Word
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Acknowledging Little Things Done to Us

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Acknowledging little things done to us
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June 8, 2019
Acknowledging little things done to us
It is correct to say that little things are better test for character than great things. Additionally, little things happens every day unlike bigger things which take time to happen. Little things done deal with reality, without shows and they are relatively greater that things human being consider as greater things (Philomon, S. 2017). Furthermore, greater things are made up small things because there is additional of little knowledge everyday thus making little things to become components of greater things.
Late last year, I was driving in the city when traffic build up and it took me a lot of time to get out of it. Contrary, another driver noticed how restless I was and he decided to save me from the traffic. He asked me where I was headed and he helped me escape ...
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