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2 pages/≈550 words
2 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Career Development

Essay Instructions:

Using one or more examples from your professional life now and/or in the past, answer the following questions in a well-written paper. Be sure to provide detailed responses to these questions using specific examples and integrate your answers into a paper that flows smoothly.
How does your understanding of healthcare ethics inform your critical thinking in decision making and problem solving in your professional life?
How are moral integrity and ethical behavior the same? How do they differ?
What are the three most important elements of personal and professional etiquette that you employ in your professional life?
What are your strengths in communication in your professional life? What are your weaknesses?
What strategies do you employ to stay on-task and on-time in your professional life? How do you manage your professional goals?
Your paper should be two pages in length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Career Development
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Career Development
Decision making is one of the most sensitive practices undertaken in any sector. In the field of healthcare, ethical decision making is one of the crucial elements that need to be involved. According to American College of Healthcare Executives (2011), healthcare executives must always address the uncertainty or the conflicts towards the competing attributes that include societal, professional, organizational and personal values. As a professional healthcare executive, I should engage ethical principles for easy decision making and problem solving such as beneficence, autonomy and justice (American College of Healthcare Executives, 2011). I should be able to study the dilemmas in the field like inadequate apparatus and then follow the policy to ensure this problem is solved with a consideration of the ethics.
Ethical behavior is all about following rules that have been set to offer guideline in undertaking duties or obligations. As for moral integrity it’s doing all duties or obligations in the right way regardless of the existence of the rules (Wood, 2010). Moral integrity does not need or include rules to function while ethical behavior functions in the existence of stipulated rules (Wood, 2010). Though the difference is seemingly less, ethical behavior and moral integrity are different. In an example a person can be said to be ethical right while they do not have integrity at all. According to Wood (2010), "Many people are always trying to be out of problems because the rules have stipulated it out for them. This does not mean that wouldn’t change ahead with those similar behaviors if they were not prohibited. Integrity comes from a greater depth of character."
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