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Pro-Slavery and Abolititonist Writers

Essay Instructions:
Read the following pro- and anti-slavery documents (found on the web site Africans in America-accessible from the Web Links), select a position and, in a two-page essay, examine the descriptions of, and defense or attack of slavery offered in the documents. Pay seek to include answers to the following points within your essay: What stereotypes do these documents promote about African-Americans? How do these men justify slavery? Or what points do they make about the need to abolish slavery? Should the emancipated slaves remain "on-soil," that is, in the United States? How do these men envision civilized society and slavery's place in it? What remarks do the abolitionists make about the conditions under which the slaves worked and lived? The pro-slavery writers? What are your impressions about the attitudes these men had about slavery, whether they were slavery proponents or abolitionists? In what ways are the arguments of these men reflective of racial prejudice? The links to the web readings are available from the Web Links. Pro-Slavery George Fitzhugh Advocates Slavery On the Management of the Butler Estate Diseases and Peculiarities of the Negro Race James Henry Hammond Advocates Slavery Abolitionists The Liberator: "To The Public" Frederick Douglass, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" Angelina Grimké Weld's speech at Pennsylvania Hall David Walker's Appeal As always, check the Course Calendar for the due dates for this assignment.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: PRO-SLAVERY AND ABOLITIONISTS Pro-slavery and Abolitionists Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course Details: Date Submitted: Introduction The beginning of the 1830s saw an increase in calls to abolish slavery in the United States of America. Two sides, (Northern and southern) argued against, and in favor of slavery respectively. The northerners consisting of mainly planters, sought to support slavery after the southerners increased their calls for its abolition. According to most northerners, slavery was indeed sanctioned by God and they even used biblical references to elaborate on this statement. For the abolitionists, it was degrading to the Negros’ (white reference to the black slaves) intellectual capacity not to mention their humanity, for them to be viewed as an inferior race to that of the whites. Considering this heated debate about pro and anti slavery, it is thus essential to effectively analyze which side really placed their argument in the right context. Stereotypes about African Americans Promoted in the Documents “The negro is but a grown up child…” (Fitzhugh, 1970).This statement was spoken by George Fitzhugh in his advocacy for slavery. He insinuated that the Negro being a grown up child, should be governed as such. In his speech, he continues to degrade African Americans by stating that slavery actually relieved them from cannibalism and other primitive crimes that exist back in Africa. African Americans according to David Walkers appeal were considered by the whites to be inferior to the extent of not being included amongst the human family. Instead, African Americans were compared to monkeys and specifically the Orangutans. In DeBows review by Dr. Cartwright, the assumption that Negros have a knack for bearing immense pain when subjected to punishment, is easily notable. It was clear to many pro-slavery activists, that they were saving the African Americans from themselves. In this regard, many whites believed that if slavery was abolished, the Negros would destroy themselves, something they referred to as “genu flexit”. How Each Side of the Divide Justifies their Arguments Each side has valid explanations as to why they are supporting their arguments about slavery. In the case of the Northerners, it is very clear that they believe that slavery is not only important to them, but also to the slaves themselves. One phrase in Fitzhugh’s’ advocacy, seems to imply that being a slave is not so bad as being a factory worker who has the responsibility of many dimensions. To this extent, it is clearly visible that Fitzhugh believes that sla...
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