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Laws Regarding Police access to information

Essay Instructions:
The assignment should be between 2500 and 3000 words (not including footnotes and bibliography). Be sure to make every word count and avoid verbosity. Please include the word count on your cover page. You should be very clear about what the problem is and why some groups see it as a problem. You should also very clearly, precisely and concisely identify the main elements of the legislative initiatives that you are assessing (e.g. what does legislation currently say on the matter, and how it might be changed). In your analysis, you can conclude, on the basis of careful assessment, that the legislative change is necessary and should be enacted, or that the existing legislative and legal framework is adequate, and that no change is necessary. In either event, you must clearly set out the criteria on which you are making your evaluation, and you must point to evidence, whether it is empirical, theoretical or logical in nature, drawn from reliable sources such as scholarly articles and treatises, reports of advocacy groups, consultant reports, advisory government reports and other relevant and authoritative sources. Your assessment may consider such issues as the feasibility of the proposal, its fairness, its potential effectiveness, its costs, its likely impact on efficiency, and any other matter that may be relevant. (Be sure to make clear what it is that you think is relevant.) It is important to consider both the arguments favouring legislative change as well as those which object to the change. Citations to relevant cases, statutory provisions, articles, books, government documents, etc. should be provided in footnotes at the bottom of the page. There should also be a bibliography of all sources relied upon in writing the submission, appended to the end of the document. you will be evaluated on the following criteria: Clear identification of o the problem/issue o how legislation might be framed to address the problem/issue o the adequacy of existing legal frameworks, and o the opposing views on the issue; Clear statement and explanation of the criteria on which the proposals will be evaluated; Use of reliable and authoritative evidence to support analysis; Persuasiveness of analysis; Clear statement of a conclusion; Logical structure, clarity of writing, and accuracy/consistency/completeness of references in both footnotes and bibliography. Topic Law enforcement officials want to facilitate investigation of crimes by being able to require, without a warrant, that telecommunication and internet service providers hand make available customers' email communications that are maintained on the providers' servers without a warrant. The law enforcement officials argue that since these communications are in the hands of third parties, the customers have no reasonable expectation of privacy. They advocate for the enactment of legislation clarifying that they do not need to obtain a warrant in order to get access to such information.
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Laws Regarding Police access to information
Federal governments should pass internet surveillance and telecommunication bills so as to effectively fight crimes that are very rampant in cyber space and those concealed in telephone conversations. At the moment there are many limitations standing in the way of enforcement of law in the cyber world. Internet service providers and telephone services providers as responsible players in the economy should not be elements that abet such crimes as cyber bullying, peddling child pornography, and terrorism among others. Legislations that would grant the government appointed agencies, the requisite backing by law to enforce access to information and documents that are in possession of the telecommunication companies and internet providers without some warrant, criminal investigations or even judicial oversights.
To implement this effectively, the communication companies will have to make necessary installation of the surveillance technology and necessary software so that they can be able to monitor and collect internet communication and phone conversation for the government (Levinson, 2002) Getting classified information regarding the details of communication of suspected criminals is paramount for the sake of launching concrete prosecution`s evidence. Providers would be required to cooperate with the law enforcement agencies by ensuring that all information that is channeled through their systems is stored until need be, or where appropriate. Activities such as webmail, social media, internet phone calls and online gaming are avenues where serious crimes are perpetrated.
The existing law regarding police access to information is inadequate since the threshold , context and content espouses is limited. Data telecom firms are required to store such information for a period not exceeding twelve months. It encompasses all forms of communication ranging from webmail, social media networking, and voice call over internet, gaming as well phone calls. The ultimate weakness of the law is that though it includes the dates, the time, the duration, the originator as well as the recipient of that information, it fails to capture the content, the material and data being exchanged (Fitzgerald, 2010)
There is an urgent need to rethink and reframe the laws so that they can reflect the dynamism of communication to ensure that the police have unfettered access to the activities of online users. Legislation also needs to be updated regularly considering that technology has gone through so much evolution and the laws should likewise keep pace. Criminals are increasingly taking advantage of the intricate technology while government agencies stick to their conventional ways of accessing information, and thus running the risk of trying to keep up with the tech savvy criminal. Additionally, there is need...
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