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Organizing Children's Learning over Time. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.
1. Using the guidelines in Chapter 16 of your textbook, choose a thematic topic for a group of 3-year-old children. In a two-page response, explain why you selected the topic, and discuss how it is age-appropriate, individually appropriate, and socioculturally appropriate for these children. Give specifics.
2. Using the guidelines in Chapter 16 of your textbook, choose a thematic topic for a group of 8-year-old children. In a two-page response, explain why you selected the topic, and discuss how it is age-appropriate, individually appropriate, and socioculturally appropriate for these children. Give specifics.

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Organizing Children's Learning over Time
Institutional Affiliation
Using the guidelines in Chapter 16 of your textbook, choose a thematic topic for a group of 3-year-old children.
A Community Helper Thematic Topic
Reasons for selecting the topic
A Community Helper Topic assist preschool learners aged three years to learn more about their surroundings (Katie, 2020). This topic has been selected due to its broad activities and learning experiences. Notably, children are fascinated by the uniforms of community helpers such as police officers, firefighters, community managers, garbage collectors, postal workers, and doctors, among others (Freeman, 2018).
The community helper theme's activities entail social studies, sensory exploration, social and emotional wellbeing, and math. By understanding different community helpers, their line of work, and their tools of work, a child can learn most of the activities that go on in the neighborhood (Katie, 2020). At this age, children can learn movement and physical, social and emotional, and language and communication skills. In the long-run, the community helper topic will expose the child to a variety of learning experiences while assisting in the child's physical growth (Kostelnik, Soderman, Whiren & Rupiper, 2015).
Lastly, this topic assists children in exploring their sensory organs by engaging in role-plays while using toys, and community helper puzzles, books, writing centers, number centers, and measure centers (Katie, 2020). For instance, a child could learn the activities of a police officer, their patrol cars, and the police hotline where one could call in case of an emergency.
Discuss how it is age-appropriate
This theme is suitable for 3-year-olds due to their growth and development behaviors. For example, children at this age begin their milestone towards walking and moving of limbs; hence, they can walk around the yard and see community helpers such as postal workers and garbage collectors daily (Katie, 2020). While taking these children for walks in parks, they could also see firefighters, police officers, and doctors. Three years is the perfect age to introduce the community helper theme since the child has already and will continue experiencing the community workers.
Additionally, children at this age start showing feelings and emotions. Consequently, associating the emotions with the community helper theme will assist the child in learning more about the social workers and their duties in the future. Learning could be introduced through community helper activity books for different workers.
Individually appropriate
The community helper theme is individually appropriate when it comes to a three-year-old due to its extensiveness in the coverage of a child's development practice (Vanessa, 2020). Importantly, developmentally appropriate practices entail the nurturing of a child's physical, emotional, and cognitive development based on knowledge, standards, and theory (Kostelnik, Soderman, Whiren & Rupiper, 2015). In the case of the community helper topic, the theme can be used to understand the child's actions and reactions while introduced to different activities (Vanessa, 2020). For example, a chi...
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