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Preserving History Using Literature

Essay Instructions:

an abstract with a list of three scholarly sources for my research question which will be attached.
scholarly sources:
-published in a peer-reviewed,scholarly journal (as opposed to a newspaper,magazine,or blog); or, if it is a book, by a university press
-apparatus, including an abstract and Works Cited or References list
-structure: introduction, background, methods, analysis, and so on
an introduction, using the Swales moves (establishing the territory, establishing a niche, occupying the niche)
-gives the author's institutional affiliation (the university where they teach)
-You can rule out anything that was published in a newspaper, magazine, or blog, since these are aimed at a general, rather than a scholarly, audience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Literature is one of the common ways of preserving human history. Different events taking place in the world are well preserved through creative pieces of writing that give a clear account of what happened since they are written in the first account. Later, this history is taught at schools and other educational institutions. One particular event that has received a great literary coverage is the Holocaust. A popular source about the Holocaust is none other than Elie Wiesel novel Night. As Chmiel (1998) notes, Elie Wiesel remains to be one of the most celebrated religious intellectuals in America through his work Night that produces a consistent discourse of sacred harmony that places the American culture at the center. In the book, Wiesel refuses to allow himself or his readers to forget what happened during the Holocaust. He appears to not only inform the living about the events so that they cannot be repeated but also presents a theological argument in relation to the Holocausts something that sets his work apart. He informs us about his faith destroying experiences at the Nazi camps. Perhaps due to his unique narration of the Holocaust events, his work has been used for the longest time in American educational institutions to help learners understand what exactly happened during the Holocaust. In this research, we seeks to understand how his literary work, Night has shaped the understanding of Americans about the Holocaust discourse.
Annotated Bibliography
CHMIEL, M. (1998). The Political Varieties of Sacred Remembrance: Elie Wiesel and U.S. Foreign Policy. Journal of Church & State, 40(4), 827.
Mark Chmiel claims in this article that Elie Wiesel is one of religious, intellectual heroes of recent times in the American social life as a survivor of the Nazi Holocaust. The report recognizes the work of Wiesel in creating a link between memory and morality as well as the significant role he played in promoting the reembrace of Holocaust as a moral goad in the present as well as to serve as a dire warning for the future (ChmieL, 1998). This article is particularly important to this paper because it helps to bring out the disastrous impact of the Holocaust, as demonstrated by Wiesel’s pain that is vivid from his vocabulary.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Chmiel, M. (2001). Elie Wiesel and the Politics of Moral Leadership. Temple University Press. The author of this book presents three major themes from Wiesel’s work that is his portrayal of Judaic culture, his experience in the Nazi camp and his post war struggles as a survivor and a refugee of the Holocaust. The author presents information on how his work has shaped the understanding of politics in America. This source is important for the research as i...
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