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Religion & Theology
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.96

God in America. Religion and Theology Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Post a at least 250 word response on a topic of your choice related to one episode of the film series God in America. Episodes are available at the following link: https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/godinamerica/view/.
The topic should relate to religions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

God in America
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A New Adam is one of the most interesting episodes of God in America. It makes us question how religious belief has shaped the history of the United States and what roles religions and spiritual experiences play in shaping the cultural, political and social life of people. The first hour of A New Adam highlights the origin of America’s religious landscape. This is when we see how the New World changed its faith. An impressive message of spiritual rebirth is delivered by preachers like George Whitfield to the American colonies, helping them understand that it is important for them to identify and preserve their own faiths, beliefs or religions. People who came to the United States from Great Britain had brought diff...
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