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Breakdown in Communication at Pine Parks Care Home

Essay Instructions:

In Task 2 Report plan

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Cover letter
Chris Brown
Convex hotel
Sandra Robertson
Fabulous recruitment
Unit 16 forestlands business village
Coronation Avenue
Job reference: Position of a hotel manager
Dear Miss Sandra,
I am writing with regards to the position of a hotel manager at the luxury river cruise. I got to read the advert of the job titled 59777462 from the newspaper and based on my skills in the hotel industry; a Luxury river cruise offers the best chance for me to exercise my managerial skills.
Based on my experience as a manager, I can use the available resources to maximise customer satisfaction while at the same time optimizing revenue. I can work under pressure to achieve the desired profit.
With the dynamics of the market conditions, I can properly represent the hotel in the market while at the same time creating relationships. With the ability provide staff training programs, a can ensure the training and all-time empowerment of the crew.
Luxury Cruise hotel is one of the hotels which meets the 100% customer satisfaction as it provides for nature trail as the guests get to tour through the European waters. My desire has ever been to be part of this hotel which does not only thrive on success, but all also meet the overall customer satisfaction.
I am ready if given a chance to express my interest further. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Chris Brown.
Report plan
Healthcare versus race and culture at Pine parks care home.
Location of Pine Park
Is it beneficial to integrate the various cultures in a professional institution such as a healthcare utility?
How difference in culture and communication may outdo the professionalism and given policies
The right of the patients to deploy their cultural backgrounds may cause chaos.
The various cultural and communication issues may include;
1 Cultural bias
The seeking of similarity in the behaviours of other people is the biases. A feeling that everyone else should behave as you do and People with different values and attitudes are considered inappropriate. Adriana, the patient, feels that her culture is the standard lenses for viewing the world. Her son feels that people who are not from England are less qualified.
2 Stereotyping
It can either be positive or negative.
In the case of the pine park care Centre, there exists negative stereotyping. One bases the actions of another person and classifies them in a narrow culture. Dilan, a night duty nurse at the pine park, considers Adriana’s son a loud mouth. Brenda, the night duty caregiver, feels that Su the lead caregiver engages in much unnecessary conversation with patients.
3 Prejudice
One holds deeply certain positive or negative feelings associated with a given group of people. Dillan believes that the other co-workers talk behind his back due to his skin color.
4 Racism
The belief that one's race is superior while the others are inferior. Physical appearances are used to estimate greatness. The nurse accuses the other staff of practicing racism when he insinuated that her skin to others resembles that of terrorists.
5 Power distance
The high power dis...
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