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3 pages/≈825 words
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Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Artwork Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Use interactive information at one of the museum websites below. You must find artworks on the museum website that have been recorded so that you are able to zoom in to see close detail as well as zoom out to see the intact, full image. Be sure to write the name of the Museum whose website you use in your essay. Name the artist and the art works. Take screen shots of the artwork to include into your Review so that the instructor can see the objects you are reviewing. Talk about 2 to 4 pieces of art from one of the Museum websites. Compare and contrast the form, style, medium and visual meaning using the visual art terms learned in the course material. Talk about everything you see, not historical facts. You must include a screenshot of each artwork; include images no larger than 300-600kbs into your Word Document essay. Submit the document with the images embeded within it into the Turnitin Inbox in the Museum Review Module.
Students have the responsibility to navigate one of the two following websites to find two to four artworks for their Museum Review.
Two approved websites with Directions for students to find artwork for analysis:
Google Arts & Culture https://artsandculture(dot)google(dot)com/theme/10-top-museums-you-can-explore-right-here-right-now/igKSKBBnEBSGKg (Links to an external site.)
Open Google Arts & Culture website, click on Explore in the upper right menu bar, then in next window click Artists, find an image, use the zoom capability to see detail, this gives you more to describe using the visual art terms.
Smithsonian American Art Museum - https://americanart(dot)si(dot)edu/exhibitions (Links to an external site.)
Open website, click Art + Artists, then click Browse Artists A-Z, find an image, use the zoom capability to see detail, this gives you more to describe using the visual art terms.
Students must not use written information from the Museum website in their Museum Reviews.
-You are to choose 2-4 artworks; through direct observation analyze what you have chosen .
-Use the course visual art terms, make screen shots of the artwork,
-Embed the screen shots into a Microsoft Word document,
-Submit your Review into the Turnitin program on the Museum Review page.

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034290000Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
Tahitian Woman with a Flower by Paul Gauguin (1891)
Based on the title, this painting is an oil on canvas showing a Tahitian woman with a flower on her hands. The woman in the artwork wears a blue dress that has a collar and cuffs. This attire is commonly worn by Catholic islander women. There are also several flowers seen in the picture that includes the one held by the woman herself, the yellow flower that is floating in the background, and those white flower located behind her hair. This piece can be linked to a European portrait of the Renaissance because of the composition that the artist used in combination with the costume chosen by the woman depicted in this painting. However, her Tahitian features show resistance against any kind of European character. The colors that were used by the artist are very vivid and unique – violet, yellow, red, and green. These colors complemented and balanced each other out, creating a calm and relax visual scene. The complementing colors contributed to the simplification of the theme. A two-dimensional pattern can also be seen in this artwork wherein large patches of areas used pure colors which depicts a style of expressionism by the artist. The technique employed by the artist in this piece of art is the use of thick and bold brushstrokes that is noticeable in the way the blue dress was painted. This characteristic corresponds to the artist’s primitive ideal.
2159078740Museo Dolores Olmedo
Self-portrait with Small Monkey by Frida Kahlo (1945)
This artwork used oil on masonite. In this painting, the colors used were distinctive and vibrant, with a flat tone and a contented atmosphere. By analyzing this piece, several symbols can be seen. This painting demonstrated how the artist showed that human beings are interconnected with the natural world. The yellow ribbon circling around the artist’s portrait, around the idol artifact, and around the bodies of the featured animals – the monkey and the dog – represents this connection. This ribbon can also be interpreted as the connection of the painter with everything around her and not just with those objects in the painting.
Moreover, these symbols were used to elaborate on the artist’s focus on her indigenous religious belief...
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