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Visual & Performing Arts
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The Low Brass Ensembles

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Concert Report
On the 26th of March 2018, Monday in the evening, I had the chance to attend the Low Brass Ensembles that was taking place at the Auburn University in the College Of Liberal Arts, in the Department of Music. The performances were comprised of two main pieces; Tenor Trombone and Bass Trombone, which the audience greeted with applause and praise all around from the start to the finish. This was a performance that will leave a lasting memory in the minds and hearts of the audience. The event was set to start at 7:30 p.m. in the Goodwin Recital Hall, interesting enough, the performers kept the time. It is always important that performances start at the scheduled time. There is a common element among the performers in various theaters to start late. This gives a rather unpleasant experience, especially where the audience is eager to get to the show. Matthew Wood, who is the director of the performance, did a great job and further enhanced his reputation as one of the best directors in the department as per the current standings.
The performances started off with the Chorus of Knights and Nobles which is from the Tannhauser. This was a piece that filled the air with the perfection of the Trombone. It was brought to life by the Auburn University trombone choir, which has in the past brought some very reverberating skills on the platform. For most of the people that have attended their performanc...
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