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The influence of social media on various aspects, such as society.

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The influence of social media on various aspects, such as society, education, entertainment, politics and so on

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Social Media
Aditya, Chauhan. “The influence of social networks on human society.” LinkedIn, March 8, 2017. /pulse/influence-social-networks-human-society-aditya-chauhan/. Accessed October 15, 2018.
Chauhan’s article is quick to point out that social media has had both positive and negative impacts on human society. A data scientist with an understanding of the ins and outs of social media, Chauhan starts by noting how social media positively impacts the human society and mentions the unification or connectivity of people all over the world that social media allows. He offers statistics by noting that social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter make it possible for more than 1.65 billion people to connect on a daily basis. Aside from using statistics, the article also mentions how social media connected people during the Paris attacks and this shows how Chauhan’s article appeals to people’s emotions. The world has for sure become smaller because of social media. However, Chauhan also notes that there is a dark side to social media with some of its disadvantages being it is addictive, makes crimes such as cybercrime and cyberbullying possible, and also invokes negative emotions on people. This article is quite enlightening and looks at the effects of social media from a holistic point of view.
Patrick, Gillooly. “Don’t quit social media. Put it to work for your career instead.” The New York Times, Dec 3, 2016. /2016/12/03/jobs/dont-quit-social-media-put-it-to-work-for-your-career-instead.html?module=inline. Accessed October 15, 2018.
In this article, Patrick appears to be offering a response to an article by Cal who cautioned students against social media. Patrick notes that while Cal believes that social media is bad, he believes that it can be used as a tool by students to enhance their careers. Well, Patrick works and earns his money by helping people find careers and believes that he has seen social media transform lives. He offers a statistic which notes that Facebook has managed to create more than 4.5 million jobs a statistic that was revealed by Deloitte. Patrick does agree that social media can lead to some potential harms, however, he also notes that some people attribute their career success to social media. Additionally, he notes that through social media, people can build their personal brands, and influence news and here he alludes to the 2016 presidential election. His article is quite captivating and appears to find a balance between the bad effects of social media and the good effects of social media.
Elisabeta, Ioanas., & Ivona, Stoica. Social Media and its Impact on Consumer Behavior. International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 295-303.
These two researchers, Elisabeta and Ivona present a different perspective on the effects of social media. Their focus is on how social media influences the behavior of consumers. From their standpoint, social media has given people the power to comment, complement, and criticize in equal measure their experience of products. This has prompted the establishment of social media management departments by companies all over the...
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