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1st Bite of Mac Donald Cuisine & Revolution of Chinese towards America

Essay Instructions:

Read the materials and fill the Food Journal

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Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Major Take Away
Describe the points of the readings that seemed the most important to you or affected you the most.
Two things caught my attention; the massive number of Beijing citizens who turned up to have the first bite of Mac Donald cuisine. Secondly, the high rate at which western fast food restaurants revolutionized the Chinese people's attitude towards Americana.
Eat it! (or not…)
List some of what you ate in the previous few days or perhaps something you witnessed that had a food component (a movie about food, a store you visited, a new restaurant, a friend’s cooking, or your service learning experience at one of food pantries or soup kitchens that partners with St. John’s University, etc.). How did the readings for today change the way you viewed this food or event? Be sure to cite a relevant page number from the reading so you can easily refer to it in class/on the exam.
My recent visit to a popular eatery in S.A., Soweto Food Palace, struck me; it was only patronized by Rastafarians. The restaurant does not offer any form of meat. A quick look of the served plates and dishes only depicted greens. This reading helped me understand this phenomenon. I have thus come to understand that;
1 Just like most Beijing residents want to be associated with Americana frequent McDonald’s, South African Rastafarians find pleasure when they patronize Soweto Food Store because it identifies itself with Rastafarians.
2 Even a single cuisine is enough to a...
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