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Effects of Including Holocaust Studies in Curriculum

Essay Instructions:

Holocaust studies are prevalent in the curricula of many high schools and colleges. As the years pass, Jews unfortunately are subjected to many other atrocities, of a lesser magnitude. Should schools continue the Holocaust studies curriculum or should the focus be shifted to subsequent anti-Semitic events? What are two or more effects of teaching young people about the Holocaust? What lessons does Holocaust education impart to students today? 5 paragraphs needed. This can be cause and effect or argumentative.

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Holocaust refers to the genocide of European Jews during the World War II. The Nazi Germans and their collaborators were responsible for the massacre that happened between 1941 and 1945, in which approximately six million Jews were killed. In the contemporary world, Jews are unfortunately still subjected to several other forms of atrocities albeit of a lesser magnitude, which is part of anti-Semitism. Contrary to what some people believe, Holocaust studies should be continued because it is impossible to understand the current events without knowledge of the past.
One of the effects of the holocaust teachings is that it makes the students more reflective of their actions. Before a student engages in something or while interacting with other members, they become more cautious about what to say and do. Such learners also have a better understanding of themselves beca...
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