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How Food Affects Human Health

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The theme is about food affecting human health, and information can be found by yourself.

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Essay 3
Currently, the numbers of teenagers with poor eating habits have drastically improved as the sizes of fast food restaurants also increase. Specifically, the issue has been observed in the US where several new fast food businesses continue to emerge which produce unhealthy food products. However, the rise of unhealthy eating habits among the teenagers due to the rise in the number of fast food restaurants have led to both long-term and short-term health effects such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and heart diseases. However, the government has chipped in with some strategies intended to end the problem as it continue to affect great number of teenagers. Therefore, the work focuses on the various reasons why teenagers prefer fast food products and the possible solutions that can be adapted to eliminate it or reduce it to manageable levels.
Generally, teenagers have fixed schedules of balancing their school work and attending to other activities such as connecting with friends and going for physical exercises. The fixed schedules give them less time to spend with their families or parents and as such will end up eating in fast food restaurants. Further, there are several fast food restaurants around the learning institutions where the teenagers prefer eating in instead of going for dishes prepared within the school compound (Jonsson et al. 3). Ideally, the food products at the restaurants around the schools are prepared for several people without considering their health status. Further, the workers at the restaurants have little knowledge about healthy eating and cannot advise the students but sale to them whatever they order. Hence, the issue of unhealthy eating habits among the youths because of their fixed schedules which give them little time to stay with their parents is a serious health problem. However, some people argue that restaurants offer a variety of meals and it is upon the students to choose what to eat, but that does not hold because the teenagers have little knowledge about how to balance their meals.
Another reason why the issue is of great concern is that teenagers do adapt bad eating habits to achieve their desired body weight. Male teenagers prefer masculine bodies, especially those who love to engage in a lot of physical exercises. Therefore, male teenagers prefer eating heavy foods that give them enough energy to conduct their physical exercises and achieve the masculine body that they need (Todd et al. 2316). Contrarily, female teenagers prefer small body size, and, mostly they skip their meals to reduce their body weights. Also, ladies always love eating at fast food restaurants where they mostly take drinks which have no nutritional contents. Therefore, the attainment of the required body weight is a serious health issue among the youth as they will not practice healthy eating patterns to achieve their goals. Despite the argument, some people still believe that skipping meals has nothing to do with healthy eating habits. However, the people should ensure that they eat every meal and do not skip any of them to have a healthy life and avoid any unnecessary health issues.
Similarly, the products of fast food businesses are cheaper than those of traditional...
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