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Three Examples of Figurative Language - The Sunflower

Essay Instructions:

The Sunflower
Book by Simon Wiesenthal
Analyze the author’s use of figurative language. Identify three examples of figurative language from the novel. Why did the author use these
examples? What impact does the figurative language have on
characterization, description of setting, mood, foreshadowing, theme,
and/or the novel overall? In your essay, use a different example in each
body paragraph. Be sure to explain the significance of each use of
figurative language and its relationship to one or multiple aforementioned
literary elements.
Minimum 3 Quotes (Parenthetical Citations)
The final must address all requirements in the prompt, be well-developed, have (2) scenes for each of the body paragraphs to support the analysis, and all grammar/punctuation/writing rules must be followed.
You could use one of the example outlines I uploaded.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Identify three examples of figurative language from the novel the sunflower
Simon Wiesenthal’s The Sunflower is based on the encounter of an SS member who formerly worked in a German concentration camp who wants to confess and obtain forgiveness from a Jew. As such, there is a moral dilemma and moral questions exploring the possibility and limits of forgiveness. The novel is one of the Holocaust works of literature focusing on the moral debate and responses from different people. The author’s use of imagery, allusion, and metaphors are examples of figurative language linked to the novel’s themes.
The sunflower is a symbol that represents an anti -Semitism and remembrance as it helps distinguish the Germans while the Jews are murdered and buried in unmarked graves. “And on each grave there was planted a sunflower, as straight as a soldier on parade” (Wiesenthal 21). The German soldiers are buried in dignity, while the Jews are buried on top of each other. The sunflower is an image that depressants the theme of anti-Semitism and dehumanization theme Analysis. The Nazis dehumanized the Jews when alive and when dead, they are not treated any better, and the sunflower allows people to remember how people are treated.
 There is the allusion that th...
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