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Intangible Violence Should Be Regulated

Essay Instructions:

• Introduction (designed to frame your paper)
• Thematic Context (designed to build on Exercise I if your topic hasn’t changed)
• Rhetorical Analysis (designed to focus on 2 comparable sources)
• Resolution of Perspectives (designed to reinforce your thesis)
• Conclusion & Directions (designed to gesture toward future action)
The more instructions included in the PI Assignment Sheet.

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Name Professor Course Date Intangible violence should be regulated According to the research conducted by different authors different parts of the world social media has played a huge role in fueling violence between and among people .As the social media continues to grow the spread of information also taking at a high speed. The different groups continue to give threats to the minority groups over the internet, radios and televisions. This has brought about the mass killings, genocide and the family conflicts. The social media is therefore at the center of spreading hate about a particular community or group hence bringing about the stereotyping, stigmatizing of certain groups and encouraging killings (Iginio). The giving of false information, such as false allegations has brought about targeting of certain communities. The social medial has the upper hand in ensuring that hate is spread in different communities online. The more the people get across the gadgets which access the social medial the more the racist can be stable in ensuring that it has incited and incubate hatred across the world .The conflicts of narratives and the extremist look quickly to find the platform where they can spread their hatred speech. According to the article of the people and threat 2019, different people of all kinds have used the social media as a way of communicating; such people include the political group, the rebel groups, the citizens and the activists. In those countries that social media has not grown fully, there is still the minimal use of the platform to air the hatred in the form of the written information and videos which are aimed at spreading the hatred in social media areas like Facebook and YouTube. The hatred is spread across the social media platforms for the communities that can access the media (Imran). The article of the people and threat 2019 social media has been considered as the major cause of the spread of the information regarding the hatred and dehumanizing of certain people or societies. There is no hatred that can be pointed out the without involving the social media. The people and the communities usually use the social media like Facebook, instagram twitter, radios and televisions in spreading the hatred among the population. A lot of campaigns have taken place over the social media aimed at stereotyping on a certain community. The countries where there genocide has been witnessed usually use the social media in the spreading of the information .Facebook and twitter has become the area where individuals come to share the hatred among them. Even if the United Nation has started the campaigns of charging some individuals who spread hatred in the online platforms ,the plans have not become effective .Facebook also has laid initiated the methodologies of ensuring that there is personal regulation of the hatred sharing over the platform but still it has not been successful (Anat) According to another study on social media and violence by Murat Mengu use of the cyberspace and the smartphone world has also made it possible for the sharing of the hatred and rage among communities. In the politically volatile zones the individuals use the internet in sharing the information concerning ,the online platform has become the b...
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