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Western Education Is Better Than Eastern Education

Essay Instructions:

Part One: Discuss how you decided to research the topic you chose. What interested you in the topic? What concerns you as you research this topic? What do you hope to find out as you continue your research?
This is my first paragraph and can u continue write 7 sentences to reply above question?
If education is like a journey, the education system is like the transportation you take to get you to a thriving destination. The different education system will cultivate different abilities for children. People are in search of higher EQ in the Eastern education system. For example, Taiwan’s education system emphasizes standardization of answers, the importance of exams, and capability of memories. In contrast, People want more IQ in the Western education system. For instance, Finland’s education system focuses on the significance of social skill, the ability of independent thinking and persevering attitude of learning. Eastern education system is mainly force-feeding students with ready-made teaching material, all questions having only one correct answer. Thus, most Asian parents prefer their children to study abroad because American education system offers students the opportunity to critical thinking, communication, and higher emotional intelligence.

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Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code/Title Instructor Date Western Education Is Better Than Eastern Education If education is like a journey, the education system like the transportation you take to get you to a thriving destination. The different education system will cultivate different abilities for children. People are in search of higher EQ in the Eastern education system. For example, Taiwan’s education system emphasizes standardization of answers, the importance of exams, and capability of memories. In contrast, people want more IQ in the Western education system. For instance, Finland’s education system focuses on the significance of social skill, the ability of independent thinking and persevering attitude of learning. Eastern education system is mainly force-feeding students with ready-made teaching material, all questions having only one correct answer. Thus, most Asian parents prefer their children to study abroad because American education system offers students the opportunity to critical thinking, communication, and higher emotional intelligence. The decision to research on the topic is predicated upon the mounting pres...
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