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Magic of the Mind Psychology Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Based on both the video and your textbook Chapter 1, consider the following question:
Which school/perspective in psychology (of the following six: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Behaviorist, Sociocultural, Cognitive or Biological) do you most agree with? Give an example from your own or a friend’s life to relate to your viewpoint.
The choice of perspective has to be explicitly stated, personal example has to be clearly related to perspective and is based on materials from textbook and video.
Online text book for this assignment: https://cnx(dot)org/contents/4abf04bf-93a0-45c3-9cbc-2cefd46e68cc
The video for this assignment: http://searchcenter(dot)intelecomonline(dot)net/playClipDirect.aspx?id=9A7254EDA56D7686053DBA312E3D2153D16F3C2B18527C08D68CB3B37B2A85A0E2827F04D519FC5F6C59EB4DA5D5EFBB

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Magic of the Mind
Psychology has always been concerned with understanding the human mind and behavior. In this regards, contemporary psychology has several perspectives or viewpoints that involves certain assumptions and beliefs about human behavior. While most psychologists argue that no one perspective is correct, they usually tend to relate to one more than the others (Pasadena City College n.d). Based on personal understanding of different schools in psychology, I personally agree with the behaviorist perspective. Generally, the behaviorist school of thought argues that humans or people are controlled by their environment. In other words, humans are the result of what they learn from their environment. Pavlov was among the first psychologist to study this form of learning behavior through conditioned reflect, whereby humans and animals tend to produce an unconscious reflex response to a stimulus (Spielman et al. n.d).
A personal example of this perspec...
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