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Personal Value of Psychology Psychology Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Does Psychology have value for you personally? Consider where you want to be in a few years. I would like you to think about where you are going. What do you want to be doing five years from now? What about ten years from now?
Look at the list and choose three (3) benefits that are important to you. Identify those in your primary post and state why the three you chose are more important than others on the list.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Personal Value of Psychology
On a personal level, psychology is highly valuable as it has helped me in comprehending my needs and those of others and has also challenged me in becoming a better individual. The most important skills that I have learned in psychology include increasing my perpetual awareness, development of critical thinking and the improvement of communication skills.
One of these areas is in critical thinking. A lot of psychological content and also methods taught and utilized by psychologists focus on how individuals can think critically (Riggio 4). In my future employment, I will constantly seek to evaluate all proposals, concepts, and figures that I will receive to ensure that I am making the best possible decision in accordance with the provided task. Critical thinking is highly essential in psychology compared to other areas as this has allowed me to avoid costly mistakes in my daily life and also will be valuable in the workplace (Riggio 4).
Through psychology, I will develop my communication skills even further. Excellent communication skills are essential for any psychologist since this will include the ability to listen to other people with consideration, compassion, and understanding (Nicholas...
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