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The Better Business Climate.Neoliberalism Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

For next Monday, February 10th, please read and write a 300 word (or more) summary for:
Milton Friedman, The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits, NY Times Magazine, September 13, 1970Preview the document
Nicholas Lemann, Transaction Man: The Rise of the Deal and the Decline of the American Dream, Chapter 4: The Time of Transactions: Rising, pp. 136-181Preview the document
And from the book you should have purchased: Les Leopold, Runaway Inequality, Chapter 2: Wage Theft Comes to America; Chapter 3: What Happened; Chapter 4: The Financial Strip-Mining of America, pp. 19-56
Optional: (Not Required but strongly encouraged to read): NYTimes: How FedEx Cut Is Tax Bill to Zero, November 2019.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Better Business Climate Summary
Institutional Affiliation
The Better Business Climate Summary
Whenever talking about a business climate, we look at the economic and professional environment surrounding an industry or business enterprise. Evaluation of a business involves the consideration of factors such as; possible effects of inflation, relationships between unions and employers, and health of labor organizations, among others. Different aspects of the business climate form the basis of this paperwork
Freidman (1970) dismisses the popular idea of business having responsibilities. He says the company is not a person to have responsibilities. A corporation is an artificial person with artificial responsibilities, which is not the same as the business as a whole. An employee is a corporate executive. He/she has direct accountability to the employers, which is to work following the employers' desires and therefore making as much money as possible while keeping in mind the basic societal rules. Employees have a social responsibility, meaning that even if increasing prices were of interest to the cooperation, they would not do it to avoid inflation.
For the continued business growth, some changes are implemented time and again.
Baldwin moved Morgan Stanley out of Wall Street to Midtown Manhattan to bring the firm into close...
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