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Loss and Grief: Seven Stages of Grieving

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Discuss how the seven stages of grieving can be applied to losses through divorce, moving from one place to another, or the amputation of a limb (arm or leg).
Describe the four necessary tasks of mourning. What are some of the practical steps one can take in accomplishing each of these tasks?
What might cause children to react differently to the death of a grandparent?
What “losses” are especially difficult in the death of a spouse and identify one community resource available to grieving families in your community?

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Loss and Grief
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Department of ABC, University – Whitewater
ABC 101: Course Name
Professor (or Dr.) Firstname Lastname

Loss and Grief
Discuss how the seven stages of grieving can be applied to losses through a divorce, moving from one place to another, or the amputation of a limb.
The seven steps of grief are shock & denial, pain & guilt, anger & bargaining, depression, loneliness, & reflection, upward turn, reconstruction, and acceptance & hope. These steps can be applied to losses through a divorce (Al Ubaidi, 2017). In the first stage, a divorcee will feel the divorce has not occurred. Here, the subject becomes sad, confused, and uncomfortable. As these wear off, the subject feels guilt for their role and even punishes themselves through avenues like not eating. This is followed by anger, in which the subject is looking to blame someone or something. It then leads to depression and reflection when the person begins to make sense of reality. After reflection, an upward turn is experienced, followed by reconstruction. The person begins to come back to their normal self by accepting what has happened and moving on.
Describe the four necessary tasks of mourning. What are some of the practical steps one can take in accomplishing each of these tasks?
The four tasks of mourning are accepting loss, acknowledging the pain of the loss, ad...
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