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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Goodwill Social Services

Research Paper Instructions:

Please click on this link and it will take you to the site where the case study is located. Use all of the information given in the case study to discuss the following in an essay format using additional peer reviewed journal research to support your analysis. This is not a question and answer research paper
Questions that are for me:
Goodwill has found success in the social services. What problems might result from hiring and training the diverse populations that Goodwill is involved with?
Have you ever experienced problems with discrimination in a work or school setting?
2 references required.

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Goodwill Social Services
Name Course Instructor Date
Goodwill emphasizes promoting community good and an empowered workforce. Still, increased diversity also means a need to address cultural sensitivity as the employees come from diverse cultural and social groups, and more training is required. Goodwill would need to invest more in R & D to support the training programs where there are diverse individuals and groups. Goodwill supports job training and community services, but training a more diverse group of people requires making more accommodations and appreciating the diversity to avoid bias, harassment, stigma, and discrimination.
It may be necessary to deal with the risk of stereotyping and discrimination, are addressed, while conflict resolution should not be seen to favor one group over another. There is also a risk of worsening workplace relationships when some employees feel undervalued, making way for many accommodations. This is worsened when there are social exclusion and workplace bullying (Hoel, Lewis & Einarsdottir, 2017)...
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