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3 pages/≈825 words
8 Sources
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
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Childhood Obesity Health Education Program

Research Paper Instructions:

1. Identify factors that will foster and/or hinder the implementation of a childhood obesity health education program in Lawton Oklahoma. Be certain to: a. Discuss these factors and explain why they must be considered in the planning phase of the health program. b. Explore ways of overcoming the barriers that would hinder the childhood obesity program. c. Examine specific factors that will foster or enhance your program and describe ways in which those factors can be effectively used. d. Consider challenges associated with the delivery of your program to diverse populations (minorities and low income families) that exist within the target group that you have identified. 2. Once you have identified those factors that will foster or hinder the implementation of your program, identify specific strategies (See additional file) that you will implement in your health education program. Be certain to explain how you plan to make sure the strategies are appropriate for the considerations regarding your intended audience which are primarily school-aged kids, parents and adult who work with preschoolers. *i'm utilizing a multi-setting community approaching of school, public health and local groups to implement my health program.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Childhood Obesity Health Education Program
Childhood obesity has become a widespread problem that requires undivided attention. Many parents, policy makers, as well as public health officials, have a similar concern regarding the rate by which childhood obesity increases. In most countries around the globe, several factors are believed to contribute to the childhood obesity. These factors may be social, behavioral, or those related to environmental risks (Karnik & Kanekar, 2012). There is fear that if the rate in which childhood obesity spreads is not reversed, it will also suffer from several health complications whereas the society will encounter the rising costs of health care. Thus, implementation of the right health programs is commendable for the community affected. In a place like Lawton Oklahoma, in the United States, several factors are likely to hinder the implementation of childhood obesity health education program.
Oklahoma is a place that has experiences of inadequate access to primary care, which clearly explains the history of the increased cases of childhood obesity in the area. Lawton area may pose some challenges that would hinder the implementation of childhood obesity health education program. The people of Lawton are poverty stricken and try to maximize every opportunity they get to earn daily income (Kumar, 2012). Thus, finding time to attend the workshops of health education program may be quite challenging, as only a few might turn up in different sessions. In addition, they may fail to practice the necessary measures such as activities that would balance the energy because of their busy lifestyle. Some people in the area may have the primitive idea that being a heavy weight is a sign of good health rather than a problem. Their inadequate education may cause them to ignore the program thinking that it’s a waste of time since they are not willing to change their routine. Moreover, t...
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