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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Obesity among Elementary Students

Research Paper Instructions:

Research Paper
Purpose of this Assignment
Graduate courses should challenge students to write at a professional academic level through a variety of scholarly writing assignments. A research paper is more than the sum of your sources, more than a collection of different pieces of information about a topic, and more than a review of the literature in a field. A research paper analyzes a perspective (analytical research paper) or argues a point (argumentative research paper). Regardless of the type of research paper you are writing, your finished research paper should present your own thinking backed up by others' ideas and information.
A research paper is often described as an expanded essay which presents your own interpretation, evaluation or argument on a specific topic. When you write an essay, you use everything that you personally know and have thought about a subject. When you write a research paper you build upon what you know about the subject and make a deliberate attempt to find out what experts know. A research paper involves surveying a field of knowledge in order to find the best possible information in that field.
Research is NOT a collection of your opinions. For example, a paper about how much you love television is a personal essay rather than a research paper. Instead, after researching the literature on television, you could write a paper on its social impact. In creative writing, students are able to express their creativity and imagination through words. Academic writing is virtually the same, but instead of showing your imagination capabilities, you are expressing your factual, logical and argumentative knowledge on a subject matter. A research paper starts with extensive reading, not a casual browsing of literature. If you do not read, you will not know your topic.
Research papers help your professors better understand your ability to find information, understand it, and re-state/present the material in a scholarly and comprehensible manner. In completing this assignment, students are also able to explore topics in greater detail and show their ability to form opinions and logical arguments based on facts and data. Think of a research paper as your opportunity to explore something on your own that relates to the course but provides an interesting new twist or further exploration of an idea introduced by your professor. Remember that the process itself it is a valuable learning experience. Rather than looking at it from a compulsory task standpoint, try to get the most out of it.
Generally, this assignment is graded upon the student’s demonstration of the following skills:
• Information Literacy - the ability to identify, find, evaluate, and use information effectively
• Critical Thinking - the ability to think critically about a topic and the sources necessary to study and present that topic
• Information Synthesis - the ability to analyze and evaluate information from various sources, making connections between the information found, and combining the recently acquired information with prior knowledge to create something new in a clear, focused, organized, scholarly manner
• Scholarly Writing - the ability to present other’s work using careful citation of sources and a corresponding reference list. The writing is informed by and shows engagement with the larger body of literature on the topic at hand, and all assertions are supported by relevant sources)
• Basic Writing Mechanics (Ability to write a mechanically correct paper (including spelling, grammar, sentence structure), and communicating and organizing ideas coherently)
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General Assignment Guidelines:
The research paper has been broken down into a four (4) part assignment. Each assignment will be summarized below as they each have their own assignment guidelines, submission guidelines, assignment dropboxes. Each section will have been completed prior to completing the final research paper.
Part 1: Topic Selection and Research Question:
Part 1 of the Research Paper assignment involves the selection of a topic and submission of a research question. Students can choose any appropriate topic related to content within NURS 616 and develop a research question to complete their paper.
***If an ACE is being selected, one of the 10 ACEs as identified in the CDC Kaiser study must be used. The following website can be used as listed below:
The pdf copy of the original study on ACEs by Felitti et al. (1998) will be in the appropriate assignment dropbox area for your reference.
Once the topic is selected, it should be narrowed down to prepare a research question. The research question in this assignment must include the following three essential elements: (1) a population (P), (2) an intervention (I) and (3) an outcome (O). Since there is no comparison required, there will be no (C) for this assignment. Students must also identify an evidence based-school-based intervention that will appropriately improve student learning outcomes/improving success in the school environment for the topic selected.
Part 2: Literature Log:
The Literature Log assignment provides the student with the resources to dissect a research article in preparation for a critique of the literature. It is a primer assignment, which will assist students in the development of their research paper. The log (table) will help students in identifying the aspects of a research article that are necessary in preparing a well-written literature review.
Students will conduct a thorough review of the literature and select five (5) peer-reviewed research- based articles that are related to the approved topic selected for the research paper. A minimum of five (5) articles should be included in the table, however students are encouraged to select more articles if needed to support their research question. Articles must be within 5 years to be valid for this assignment. Being that it is early 2022, articles from 2016 will be accepted. Included with the literature log is a reference page along with the Author-Date Citation System in which all articles used must be submitted in APA 7th edition format must be submitted.
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The quality, relevance & timeliness of sources is crucial to a research paper. Sources must be scholarly and reliable for research to be credible. Scholarly and reliable resources refer to peer-reviewed journal articles and reliable government websites and databases. Unreliable sources such as WebMD, Wikipedia, Blogs, or potentially biased websites cannot be used for this assignment. All studies included in the literature log MUST be from the United States. In addition to the five articles, students are required to utilize a current and reliable data source to support the relevance of their question. This data is most often used in the background/significance or introduction of a research paper
Part 3: Abstract:
Part 4: The Research Paper Assignment
The research paper is developed using the first three parts of the assignment; (1) the research question provides the purpose of the research (2) the abstract provides the reader with a brief synopsis of the purpose of the paper and (3) the literature log provides a foundation for the critique of the literature and the school-based intervention. Students will use the first three parts to craft their research paper. If students wish to include more literature or websites beyond the data collected in the literature log, they can, and are encouraged to do so. The following detailed assignment guidelines below will guide the process of preparing the final, polished draft of the research paper.
Explicit Assignment Guidelines: This assignment is graded upon the student’s demonstration of the following skills:
Required Elements & Format: APA 7th ed. writing guide elements & formatting provide order and structure for the paper. Consistency in these areas allows readers to focus on the content rather than the presentation of the paper. The paper must include the following elements & formatting in accordance with APA Format *Read Chapter 2 in the APA Manual (7th edition).
An abstract is a concise summary description of a paper. It also indicates what the purpose of your paper aims to achieve. This purpose statement should reflect the research question you aim to answer.
Abstracts should appear on its own page with the word "Abstract" in bold font centered at the top of the page. Additionally, the abstract should be one paragraph, with no indent.
Elements to be included are:
i. Page 1: Cover Page
ii. Page 2: Abstract – previously written in Part 3 of the assignment
*See pp. 73-75 in the APA Manual (7th edition) for Qualities of a Good Abstract.
iii. Page 3: This page is where the body of your paper begins
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Begin this page with a level 1 header (this header should be the title of your paper
a. Introduce the topic (include background/significance/prevalence of the topic (heading should be the title of the paper) ** you can make your background, significance and prevalence level 2 headers beneath the main header at the beginning of the paper if you so choose)
*See pp. 75-76 in the APA Manual (7th edition). In addition, you can go to: https://writingcenter(dot)unc(dot)edu/tips-and-tools/introductions/
Literature review (suggestion: level 1 header)
a. Synthesized information from the literature related to the association
b. Must include the data (in addition to the data from the reliable data source) collected in the literature log
c. Can integrate articles to compare and contrast findings from one article versus another
d. Utilize your “VOICE” to provide a scholarly opinion of the findings in the literature
3. School-Based intervention (suggestion: level 1 header)
a. A scholarly discussion of an evidence-based, school-based intervention to
address the topic to encourage student support/success in the academic setting – data previously collected in the literature log should be used to complete this section
iv. Conclusion
1. The conclusion of the paper should summarize key points, emphasizing a call to action without presenting any new information in closing v. Reference List *Read Chapters 8, 9, & 10 in the APA Manual
b. Required APA 7th ed. Formatting Includes
i. *Page Numbers - Use the automatic page-numbering function of your word-processing program do insert page numbers. Page numbers should appear flush right in the Header of EVERY Page, beginning with the Title Page.
ii. Running head – the running head should be flush left within the Header.
iii. Font: Only the following fonts may be used: 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, or 12-point Times New Roman.
iv. Line-Spacing: All pages must be double-spaced, including the Title Page & Abstract.
v. Margins: Use 1” margins on all 4-sides of the paper.
vi. Paragraph Alignment and Indentation: Align the text to the left margin and leave the right margin uneven. Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inches.
vii. Heading Levels: Use Headings, Sub-headings, and Section Levels as appropriate per APA.
1. Level headings help to identify the major parts of your paper. Describe the topics you are discussing. Do not use “Article #1” and “Article #1” as headers.
viii. Paper Length: A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 7 pages within the body of the paper *NOT including title, abstract, and reference pages.
Guidance on Academic Writing:
• Abstract: A brief comprehensive summary of the contents of the paper. Should be succinct and provide the reader with the purpose of your paper. The abstract is NOT a place to tell the reader what you are going to tell them! Usually between 150-250 words.
• Introduction
a. Introduction – contains a succinct but comprehensive description of the issues being
reported, and historical background (data on incidence and prevalence of the topic). The introduction should be compelling and encourages the reader to want to continue reading. *See pp. 75-76 in the APA Manual (7th edition). In addition, you can go to: https://writingcenter(dot)unc(dot)edu/tips-and-tools/introductions/
• Depth of Discussion & Integration of Knowledge - The depth of your presentation/discussion will demonstrate how well you understand what you have read about the topic, your ability to think critically about an issue, present a logical synthesis of your literature review, and
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formulate a deeper, more profound understanding of the research topic under investigation. Integration of knowledge is apparent when key concepts are clearly identified and described in your own words, and main ideas are sufficiently and consistently developed to demonstrate your understanding and insight between key relationships. Students MUST use APA Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS) to provide sufficient context in reporting research articles.
Using these standards assures that one provides sufficient information on the studies presented to provide context (meaning) for the significance of the study results. *These Standards are detailed in Chapter 3 of the APA Manual (7th edition). Also see the section on Providing Context at the end of this document.
• Cohesiveness & Writing Mechanics - Cohesiveness refers to the “flow” of your paper. A cohesive paper is well organized, and includes purposeful, well-developed sentences and paragraphs which demonstrate logical and subtle development of main ideas. In a cohesive paper, transitions are used to tie together information from sources and enhance flow and organization. Writing Mechanics refers to the appropriate use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence and paragraph structure. A good piece of advice in determining flow of a paper is to read it out loud to yourself, or to use dictation software. You will easily find errors in writing mechanics and be able to edit your work more readily by using this method.
*Read Chapter 6 in the APA Manual (7th edition) for information on Mechanics of Style in
Scholarly Writing
• Sources - The quality, relevance, & timeliness of sources is crucial to a research paper. Scholarly and reliable sources MUST be used for this paper. This refers primarily to peer-reviewed journal articles, and reliable government websites, and datasets. Unreliable sources such as WEBMD, Wikipedia, or potentially biased websites CAN NOT be used in this assignment! For this paper the following sources MUST be included:
a. A minimum of 5 current peer-reviewed research articles (at least one (1), preferably two (2), of which must support the school-based intervention presented). *All studies must have been performed in the US. No articles older than 2015 will be accepted.
b. At least one current (within 3 years) reliable data source (for historical information re: incidence, prevalence, OR associated health or academic correlations, etc.). Examples include but are not limited to:
i. CDC: National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS). National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), Health-Related Quality of Life Survey (HRQOL)
ii. SAMHSA - National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
iii. NIDA: Monitoring the Future Study
iv. RWJF: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
• Conclusion - The conclusion of a research paper is intended to help the reader understand why your research should matter to them after they have finished reading the paper. A conclusion is not merely a summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of your research problem, but a synthesis of key points and, if applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research. For guidance on writing a good conclusion, go to the following websites: https://writingcenter(dot)unc(dot)edu/tips-and-tools/conclusions/ https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/general_writing/common_writing_assignments/argument_papers/ conclusions.html
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• Scholarly Writing - Scholarly writing reflects a higher order, academic understanding of a topic, and demands the use of formal language and tone. Scholarly writing should be objective and SHOULD NOT employ colloquialisms, slang, contractions, biased language, rhetorical questions, and second person pronouns should be avoided. Scholarly writing, according to an assigned format (such as APA) helps the writer to avoid plagiarism. *Read Chapters 4 & 5 in the APA Manual (7th edition) for information on Writing Style & Grammar & Reducing Bias, in Scholarly Writing. Students should also read the University Academic Integrity Policy which can be found at: https://www(dot)njcu(dot)edu/sites/default/files/academic_integrity_policy_final_2-04.pdf
Students MUST use APA format (7th edition) for this paper, with specific attention to the following:
a. Scholarly Writing & Publishing Principles (Chapter 1) – See notations above
b. Paper Elements & Format (Chapter 2) - See notations above
c. Journal Article Reporting Standards (Chapter 3) - See notations above
d. Writing Style & Grammar (Chapter 4) - See notations above
e. Bias-Free Language Guidelines (Chapter 5) – Bias-free language addresses the imperative to refer to all individuals with inclusivity & respect. Scholarly writing MUST use language that is free of bias, avoids prejudicial beliefs, or demeaning attitudes. It is important to note that in writing in the health field, it is also inappropriate and demeaning to refer to individuals by their health condition (i.e. the diabetic or the addict). In writing, as in oral communication, person-first language should always be used (i.e. the child with diabetes or the individual with opioid use disorder).
f. Mechanics of APA Style (Chapter 6) – The Mechanics of APA Style provide a foundation for accurate, effective, scholarly communication, helping writers present their ideas in a clear, concise, and inclusive manner.
g. Works Credited in Text (Chapter 8)- Most academic writing draws from existing research published by others. Crediting your sources is an essential step in the research process, as it offers proof that you have researched your topic thoroughly and credits the sources you have used, protecting you from charges of plagiarism.
h. Use of Direct Quotes (Chapter 8)
i. Reference List (Chapters 9 & 10)
Providing Context in Reporting Research
If the study is important enough to be included in your paper, you MUST:
1. Provide sufficient information related to how the study was conducted (study aims, setting, selection criteria/process, participant characteristics, selection criteria, methods & instrumentation, etc.) to provide context (meaning) for the significance of the study results.
2. Provide the actual results in terms of significant data, to make your point and make the point compelling. It is NOT appropriate to say, “the study showed improved quality of life”, “participants in the experimental group demonstrated fewer depressive symptoms, or “decreased sexual risk behaviors”, or “had significant impact on depressive symptoms”, If you see that you have used these vague terms in bold, this should be a red flag signal that you have not provided the actual data. You MUST support claims of significance with data! Significance: Cannot use this term significance casually or refer to results vaguely in a research paper.
Additional Resources
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APA Style & Grammar Guidelines
Purdue Online Writing Lab:
https://owl(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/general_writing/common_writing_assignments/research_papers/ ml

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Obesity among Elementary Students
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
The impact of physical activity on different aspects of life has been well investigated by researchers in various disciplines. The overall findings are that physical activity, as opposed to a sedentary life, has a positive impact on the well-being and performance of individuals. Physical activity has been proposed as an effective intervention to address childhood obesity in the United States (US) and beyond. This study investigates obesity among elementary students. Specifically, the study will explore the academic achievement of overweight/obese elementary students in Union County, NC. The study seeks to establish whether overweight/obese elementary students who engage in school-based exercise training have higher academic achievement. This issue is worth examining because the prevalence of childhood obesity in the US is high. Research shows that childhood obesity contributes to poor school attendance and academic performance. It also affects the overall health of children. School nurses are mandated to manage the school health program to promote students’ health and support their academic achievement. Thus, they can design a school-based physical activity program as an intervention to address obesity and promote students’ health and academic performance. Very few studies have explored how school-based physical activity influences the academic achievements of overweight/obese elementary students. This research paper aims to fill this gap. The findings will have significant implications on the school nurse practice, childhood obesity, and academic performance of elementary students.
Obesity among Elementary Students
Childhood obesity is widespread in the United States (US) and needs to be urgently addressed. It is associated with some of the most serious chronic health conditions in childhood (Powell et al., 2017). The prevalence of childhood obesity in the US is high and has been recognized as a serious public health problem. Schroeder et al. (2017) reveal that about 17% of children in the US suffer from childhood obesity, and 4% experience severe obesity. The number rises significantly when overweight children are added to the data. According to Powell et al. (2017), the incidence of obese and overweight children combined is about 33%.
Besides negatively affecting children's health, obesity also negatively affects students' school attendance and academic performance (Lovell, 2017). An intervention that can address obesity and improve the health and academic outcomes of this population is necessary. School nurses are best suited to address childhood obesity through school-based interventions due to their proximity to students, school staff, and parents. This study is significant because it explores how a school-based physical training exercise designed by a school nurse can impact the academic outcomes of overweight/obese elementary students.
Literature Review
Many studies have explored the link between physical activity, obesity, and academic outcomes. The literature covers a broad range of studies connecting physical activity to academic outcomes. However, this...
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