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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
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Risk management. Health, Medicine, Nursing. Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

Please watch the video, "Transforming Hospitals: Designing for Safety and Quality,"
Health care administrators evaluate risk in health care organizations in order to identify operational impact and develop actions plans. This is accomplished through assessment tools and application of methods using a systems-based approach to care.
After watching the video write a 1,000-1,250 word paper that focuses on the following:
1. How is risk assessed in health care organizations today? What role does evidence-based design have in the risk assessment/planning process?
2. Discuss at least two areas where process inefficiencies are present today (patient safety, patient satisfaction, quality outcomes, or workforce retention). What is happening in each of these areas that could cause concern for health care organizations?
3. How can these areas of high risk be transformed through the use of risk assessment tools or effective work groups to manage and overcome inefficiencies?
4. Using the system-based approach, what strategies could be used to improve or develop effective work groups?
Support your analysis with three or four scholarly sources, including your textbook.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Risk Management in Healthcare
Risk Management in Healthcare
Risk management in medical centers involves clinical and leadership approaches and reports that are essential in monitoring, evaluating, preventing, and mitigating danger (Bunting Jr & Groszkruger, 2016). Risk control allows organizations to ensure their patients are safe. Also, risk management enables healthcare facilities to ensure the safety of equipment, reduce lawsuits, and maintain their brand image, which contributes to customer satisfaction. According to Bunting Jr. and Groszkruger( 2016), healthcare risk management focuses on the protection of patients while limiting medical errors and cushion itself against financial liabilities. The complexity of healthcare risk management has increased over time due to advancements in technology, changing industry regulations, and legal and political requirements. Besides, the pay for professional performance shifts from the patients to the organization, creating the need for a risk management strategy.
As illustrated by Cooke (2016), healthcare institutions share a large class of risks such as medical, regulatory, environmental, and safety. Resultantly, organizations employ the Enterprise Risk Management approach to promote the responsibility of the members to limit risks. Such is essential in pro-actively identifying and controlling risks. Most organizations use the Risk Management Information System (RMIS) to collect data, process information, and generate statistical reports that are essential in the identification and monitoring of healthcare challenges (Cooke, 2016). Assessment of risk management involves the establishment of the context in which the risk lies. Some areas highly prone to uncertainties include the intensive care unit, operating room, emergency room, blood transfusion centers, and cardiac care units.
Management involves transparent scrutiny of the administration of medication, which is essential in inpatient care (Powers et al., 2018). The establishment of context allows the organizations to train their staff on mitigation procedures. Identifying risks consists of creating awareness of the existence of possible threats within the organization. The risk register is essential in keeping records of all the dangers. Some sources of risk identification include a discussion with department heads within the institution, patients' follow-up, screening of patients records, and review of hospital safety and management committee reports (Powers et al., 2018). After risk identification, risk analysis follows. Threat analysis involves developing a clear understanding of the possible risks, including calculating the risk score, identifying underlying causes, and looking at the available control approaches.
The risk assessment also involves the evaluation of threats to determine priorities based on the risk analysis score (Wang, 2017). An assessment enables an institution to identify the threats that require immediate solutions and how to solve them. Evaluation involves accepting the risk to determine if the low and the specific solution could e inappropriate using the available resources. Also, the evaluation approach looks at the severity of the thre...
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