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Colonization Effect and Risks for Two-Spirited People Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

6-8 pages, double spaced. Times New Roman 12pt font. Students MUST complete a written research paper that demonstrates their research ability, critical analysis, and academic writing skills. The assignment will serve to familiarize students with the expectations of academic writing within the INHS program.
Introduction Start- Colonization has affected Indigenous People in many ways, including loss of tradition and assimilation into societal views that heteropatriarchal ways are superior to that of any other. Before colonization, the Indigenous culture, for the most part was accepting- in some ways even encouraging of the Two-Spirited lifestyle often holding special roles within their communities that encompassed their ability to perform duties of both male and female roles. In the western culture, where it is modelled that heterosexual relationships and marriage are superior, Two-Spirited people undoubtedly struggle to find their place in the culture. Society is prone to discriminate against anything or anyone that does not fit into their picture-perfect view of what is superior and unfortunately, being an Aboriginal people does not fit into that category nor does being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ). Jeremy Dutcher is quoted in the story “A Walk in Two Worlds” written by Michael Ott (Ryerson School of Journalism), he said: “The place where two discriminations meet is a bad place to live.” This statement is bold and eye opening, spoken by someone who identifies as Two-Spirited, it really brings light to how it feels when someone faces discrimination from two sides, This can cause detrimental effects, such as ************ on people who identify into both categories as they are facing double the discrimination from two different standpoints. (Thesis Statement) Because of this, Two- Spirited people often face greater risks of violence, racism and a lost sense of belonging causing detrimental effects to their mental health and putting them at higher risk for suicide, substance abuse and vulnerability.
Body Paragraph 1: Colonization Effect and the Risks for Two-Spirited People- Discuss before and after colonization, and the loss of Indigenous Tradition and views. Two-Spirited People and their higher risk of facing violence and examples of the violence that has been faced. Along with other issues such as shaming, homophobia, exploitation, systematic invisibility.
Body Paragraph 2: Low Self- Esteem, Lack of Self Love and Mental Health- Discus the effects of the trauma of colonization, the high violence rates and the sense of not having a place to fit in and how it affects the mental health of someone who identifies and two-spirited. These effects cause high chances of attempting suicide and substance abuse to cope. Also, the lack of empathy for the lifestyle from the medical professionals make it hard to reach out and ask for help.
Body Paragraph 3: Education, Acknowledgement and Reclaiming the Two-Spirited Role- Try and find examples of a solution to the problem. Is there a solution? Will the racism and discrimination ever end? Can society change it’s views and accept diversity, instead of just accepting that heteropatriarchal is the only way? Discuss how educating people, acceptance of diversity and reclaiming the roles of Two-Spirited people through Indigenous traditions can possibly make a difference.
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Colonization Effect and the Risks for Two-Spirited People
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Colonization Effect and the Risks for Two-Spirited People
Colonization has affected Indigenous People in many ways, including loss of tradition and assimilation into societal views that heteropatriarchal ways are superior to that of any other. Before colonization, the Indigenous culture, for the most part was accepting- in some ways even encouraging of the Two-Spirited lifestyle often holding special roles within their communities that encompassed their ability to perform duties of both male and female roles. In the western culture, where it is modelled that heterosexual relationships and marriage are superior, Two-Spirited people undoubtedly struggle to find their place in the culture (Larivee, 2019). Society is prone to discriminate against anything or anyone that does not fit into their picture-perfect view of what is superior and unfortunately, being an Aboriginal people does not fit into that category nor does being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ). Jeremy Dutcher is quoted in the story “A Walk in Two Worlds” written by Michael Ott (Ryerson School of Journalism), he said: “The place where two discriminations meet is a bad place to live.” This statement is bold and eye opening, spoken by someone who identifies as Two-Spirited, it really brings light to how it feels when someone faces discrimination from two sides, This can cause detrimental effects, such as shaming, homophobia, exploitation, systematic invisibility on people who identify into both categories as they are facing double the discrimination from two different standpoints. Because of this, Two- Spirited people often face greater risks of violence, racism and a lost sense of belonging causing detrimental effects to their mental health and putting them at higher risk for suicide, substance abuse and vulnerability.
Low Self- Esteem, Lack of Self Love and Mental Health. There are various negative effects of the trauma caused by colonization, the high violence rates and the sense of not having a place to fit in. The effects are even worse on the mental health of someone who identifies and two-spirited. It is worth noting that these effects cause high chances of attempting suicide and substance abuse to cope. In addition, the lack of empathy for the lifestyle from the medical professionals makes it hard to reach out and ask for help. Low self-esteem is one of the most common impacts of colonization on the victims. Colonization implies that a group of individuals or a country is controlled and manipulated by another group, in most cases a super power. The super power also imposes rules and regulations on the colonized group. Failure to adhere to these rules and regulations has severe effects as one is punished or even killed (Arsenault, 2020). Further, the colonized individuals are subjected to traumatic experiences such as having to watch their loved ones being tortured or killed. Colonization is also often associated with various forms of mistreatments. Some of the most common include forced labor and slavery. In the past, slaves were subjected to various inhumane conditions and experiences. For instance,...
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