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MGTA05 - Foundations of Business Management Fall 2017

Research Paper Instructions:

MGTA05 – Foundations of Business Management
Fall Semester 2017
Writing Assignment 1
Last update: Sept 4, 2017
If you wish to succeed in business you must learn to write well. The best way to learn to write is to
practice. Therefore, there will be two writing assignments within MGTA05 this semester.
You are working at your first summer job between academic years as a student of management at
UTSC. You have been hired as a “Business Analyst” for Consolidated Megacorp.
Consolidated Megacorp is a large, diversified conglomerate with many subsidiaries and operating
divisions. The Office Supplies Division supplies photocopy paper and all other types of stationery
products (file folders, staplers, filing cabinets, etc.) to its clients. The Temporary Staffing Division
provides administrative and technical workers to clients. The Finance Division provides term loans to
corporate borrowers. Finally, the Consulting and Research Division does market research and
business planning, on a contract basis, for its clients.
Late one Wednesday afternoon, your boss sticks his head into your cubicle. “I need you to do some
work for me” he says. “Sabrina has a big meeting on Monday morning with the CEO of business x. I
don’t know what the meeting is specifically about, but she needs 3-4 pages of overview and talking
points. I want you to submit that by Friday.”
Sabrina is your boss’ boss’ boss. Your job is to provide her with an “overview and talking points”

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

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Course Title:
The chosen company is Apple. This firm is regarded as the world’s most valuable corporation. This value which made the company what it is now is credited directly to Steve Jobs, Apple’s genius creator and former chief executive officer. This paper provides an overview of Apple including the industry it operates in and its competitors. The company’s main products are discussed together with the value package. In addition, what Apple’s managers have to do well to succeed is outlined.
Introduction and Overview to the Chosen Business
Apple is a multinational corporation that operates in more than 150 countries around the globe. This Cupertino, California-based corporation was founded by three key people including Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne and Steve Jobs. It was established in the year 1976. At the moment, this firm has a workforce of about 115,000 staffs. The company’s major area of business is smart phone market and a number of services required for the same. Even so, it is also very renowned in the desktop and laptop segment through its Mac operating system. Apple operates in the tech industry and produces various personal computer products such as iPod, iPad and iPhone. Its main competitors include Motorola, LG, Microsoft, Samsung, in addition to other smart phone manufacturing firms.
Main Products
Apple’s two main products are the iPhone and iPad. These two are the firm’s fastest selling products. The company’s iPhone is a line of smartphones that Apple designs and markets. The product was initially introduced into the market in the year 2007. The current models of iPhone include iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 8, and iPhone X. Apple’s iPad is essentially a line of tablet computers which the company designs, develops and markets. They were first launched in the year 2010 and the latest ones were introduced into the market in 2017. The current iPad models include iPad mini 4, iPad, and iPad Pro. These products have had a positive impact on the firm’s revenue and profit over the last four years. Over the past few years, Apple’s revenues and profits have been rising and falling: increased marketing efforts caused revenues and profits to rise while growing competition from firms like Samsung caused revenues and profits to drop. The company’s sales/revenue and profits are illustrated in the table below:
Table 1: Apple’s revenue and profits from 2012-2016 (MarketWatch, 2017)
20122013201420152016Total Sales / Revenues$155.97 billion $170.87 billion$183.24 billion$231.28 billion$214.23 billionNet Income/ Profit after tax$41.73 billion$37.04 billion$39.51 billion$53.39 billion$45.69 billion
Apple’s huge rev...
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