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4 pages/≈1100 words
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Research Paper
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Technology Plays a Critical Role in Shaping the Training Process

Research Paper Instructions:

Chpt 7 – Traditional Training Methods
Chpt 8 – Technology Based Training Methods
Assignment 3:
“5 Reasons Why Online Learning is More Effective” Write 4 pages and cite the textbook and the article. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font and double space your paper with an APA cover page and reference page both of which are not included in the page count.
Give a counter argument to the article.
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Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Technology Plays a Critical Role in Shaping the Training Process
Online or traditional learning is a key concept that determines the success of employee growth. It defines how employees would grasp different concepts for effective goal achievement. The training type is also significant since it defines organizational growth. For instance, Zeigler Auto group used an effective training method to achieve constant growth and development (Noe, 2018). The company used a traditional training program to attract more ambitious sales individuals leading to higher goal achievement. Again, the company used an effective technology-based training method to gain a higher competitive advantage. Besides, Noe (2018) notes that technology plays a critical role in shaping the training process. For instance, one of the largest companies, PayPal, uses effective technology to offer comprehensive training to its employees. The technology-based training method allows it to bring different employees together and address key issues that emerge from different areas. PayPal is among the companies that consistently use different training approaches to ensure constant employee engagement and success. It is also essential to note that training is a key issue that heavily defines organizational success. The main aspect that must be understood is traditional and online learning effectiveness. The paper provides a counterargument to the article '5 reasons online learning is more effective.'
Counter Arguments
The first point that Dexway Communication (2017) provides is that students can learn more effectively using online sources than traditional sources. It is argued that those learning online achieve five times of goals than the traditional ones. Besides, online learning allows students to access different learning materials easily and acquire crucial knowledge for company development. However, it is essential to argue that learning traditionally is more effective than online. Traditional learning allows the learners to acquire extensive knowledge that is effective in organizational growth. For instance, Zeigler Auto group used the traditional training method to achieve constant growth and development after engaging the learners without considering their online capacity (Noe, 2018). The company used a traditional training program to attract more ambitious employees. The evidence shows that the offline process is more productive than the online one. Secondly, traditional learning is more effective than online since it is based on comprehensive research. Online learning emerged in recent centuries and has not been based on old research. Therefore, it may lack necessary information compared to the traditional one. Therefore, it is necessary to argue that traditional learning allows students to learn more than online.
The second argument that the article highlights is a higher retention rate with online learning. Dexway Communication (2017) notes that most courses struggle to retain students. The research shows that e-learning does not face a similar issue. Dexway Communication (2017) also claims that the retention rate in online courses is between 60 and 25%. However, the provided argument ignores most research that justifies the traditional aspect. Traditional cou...
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