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Psychological research Psychology Research Paper Essay

Research Paper Instructions:

Research Paper # 2
Write comprehensive research paper on “Cognitive, Intelligence, and Language” which should highlight on Cognitive Revolution in Psychology, Thinking , Intelligence, Language, Thinking, Problem-Solving, and Health and Wellness . Please provide citation as well.

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Psychological Research
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Psychological Research
The cognitive revolution is roughly six decades old, with dramatic changes to the subject following a shift in the style of research that is used by psychologists (Miller, 2003). The cognitive revolution legitimized the study of the study of the mind. The revolution offered an alternative to the stimulus-response structure of behaviorism by linking the process lying between a person’s history and their actions (Griffiths, 2014). By using cognitive psychology, psychologists can resolve issues by using a method that focuses on observable events while referring to possible invisible events that have taken place making the events possible. Cognitive psychology deals with the way people think, remember and pay attention to activities concepts or events.
Cognitive psychology seeks to explain a behavior observable with naked eyes by examining mental processes and structures that cannot be observed directly (Reisberg, 2016). The focus was given to mind and mental processes by humans. On thinking, cognitive psychology explains that various methods are involved which include; concepts, problem-solving, reasoning and decision making and lastly thinking critically and creatively (King, 2016, Reisberg, 2016). Thinking also referred to as cognition, is described as activities of the mind that take place in a human brain while organizing and trying to comprehend information as well as corresponding information to other people (Reisberg, 2016). Understanding information helps people make rational decisions and appropriate judgments about various concepts. Concepts, on the other hand, are defined as ideas representing different categories of events, activities or even objects (King, 2016). In cognitive psychology, problem-solving is enabled by thinking. Problem-solving involves a thinking process that happens when a person attempts to resolve an issue or reach an objective that is attained through thinking and behaving in a particular way King, 2016). Thought is at the heart of cognitive psychology allowing people to ...
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