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1 page/≈275 words
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Social Sciences
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.83

SSD. Single Subject Design (SSD) - Intervention. Phases of study.

Research Paper Instructions:

Using the single-case design selected for order 91199, describe the intervention or interventions used in the case.
Critically assess the data presented for the baseline and intervention phases of study.
Do the data support the conclusions made by the authors? Is sufficient information provided for making this determination?

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Single Subject Design (SSD) - Intervention
Using the single-case design selected for order 91199, describe the intervention or interventions used in the case. Critically assess the data presented for the baseline and intervention phases of study. Do the data support the conclusions made by the authors? Is sufficient information provided for making this determination?
The Family Reading Intervention for Language and Literacy in Spanish (FRILLS) to determine whether there was improved reading level and knowledge on reading strategies. At the baseline condition, the mothers “select a new book from the book collection every third day and read to their child as they normally would” (Mesa & Restrepo, 2019). The mothers recorded the book readings and then there was intervention when there was stable baseline data on comments.
When the FRILLS program was implemented the mothers read one book and made one recording in a week and there were six intervention recordings. The five mothers were identified as AA, BB, CC, DD, and EE in the study.
For the intervention phase three of the five mothers did not provide comments when r...
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