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Research Paper
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How the World Prejudice against the Jews led to their Holocausts and other Massacres

Research Paper Instructions:

Requirements: • Five pages minimum of content (include Works Cited page) • It must be formatted according to MLA style. • All quotes and paraphrase must be cited, in-text, using MLA format. Make sure that you are citing quotes throughout. Example: “Had Othello not been a Moor, the play would not have ended as it does” (Smith 3). All outside sources must be cited. • You must locate and integrate at least eight outside sources. The quality of the sources will be evaluated and will be part of this assignment. Movies and plays are sources, as is the book itself, so do include these as well as part of your minimum eight sources. • You need a thesis statement. Your thesis statement needs to be underlined. Topic: Global Connections Hatred has been an enduring characteristic of human history, particularly in the 20th century. Investigate one of the genocides that occurred in the last 100 years, linking these global events to themes in The Laramie Project and “Milk.” Possible topics: the Armenian genocide; the Holocaust; the bloodshed after Partition of India and Pakistan in 1947-48; ethnic cleansing in the Balkan wars; tribal and ethnic strife in Afghanistan today, and so on. Style: Do not use second person (you) or empty fillers with the first person ("I think" or "I believe”). Instead, use "the critics," "them," "it," "one” or specific subjects. Use your best word choice and grammar throughout.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
How the World Prejudice against the Jews led to their Holocausts and other Massacres
Jews, which is translated to mean children of Israel, are a state and people who adhere to strict monotheism as a religion. Their origin is from the ancient Hebrews who lived in the Near East. In accordance to their tradition, their ancestry is traced back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who are considered as the Biblical patriarchs. These Jews historically emanated from the Tribe of Judah and Simeon. The nationality, ethnicity and religion of the Jews are closely interrelated with each other. The conventional faith of the Jewish people is regarded as Judaism. Foreigners converting to Judaism are given the same status as Jewish citizens. Although conversion into Judaism is usually not an easy affair, and not encouraged, it is applied in the case of mixed marriages as found by Nebel et al (p115).
Based on its existence, Israel was established as a Jewish state and its basic law defines it as such. Israel is the only nation in the world where the Jews consist of the majority population. In ancient history, the Jews had had their independence twice. The first of this independence lasted from 1350-586. During this time, Judges, the Israel Monarchy and the eventual divided Monarchy of Judah and Israel Kingdoms had ruled them. The destruction of the first temple resulted to an end to their independence. However, they also enjoyed a second independence in the times of  HYPERLINK "" \o "Hasmonean dynasty" Hasmonean Kingdom from 140- 37 BCE and also to some extent the period of Herodians in 37 BCE to 6 CE. From the time when the second temple was destroyed in 70 CE, most of the Jews were living in Diaspora. However, in most of the countries they live in as foreigners, these Jews have frequently experienced prejudice and persecutions owing to their strong traditions and religious faith which appear to be peculiar to people of other nations (Palmer, p169).
Objectives of the Paper
Based on the above information, this paper reviews the Jews Hatred and the cause for their holocaust in German among other persecutions.
The Global Jews Hatred
Prejudice against the Jews, which has been common phenomenon, has been referred as the anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism are people who are against the laws and regulations that. According to these, the Jewish people believe in. According to the Jews people, a part from the Jews being an inferior race, they were quiet different from Europeans in many aspects. This term was essentially coined as a move to make it scientific when showing their hatred against them (Daniels, p78).
One example of an extreme anti-Semitism recorded in Jewish history is the Holocaust. The term holocaust is commonly used in referring to the genocide or mass murder of more than six million Jews by the Nazi Germans during...
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