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3 pages/≈825 words
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Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The Holocaust and the Eugenics Program by the Germans

Research Paper Instructions:

Taken from syllabus:
The second paper topic should have a minimum of 750 words, follow MLA formatting, and cover an issue of the Holocaust. Also discuss how this issue relates to the ideas of Eugenics

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The Holocaust was a widely state sponsored persecution and eradication of mostly the Jews by Nazi-controlled Germany. This also included its collaborators and occurred in between the year 1933 and 1945. During this massacre; around six million Jews were murdered. The Gypsies were also targeted for annihilation due to their nationality and ethnic background (Kevles 1). Thousands more, including homosexuals, Soviet prisoners of war and also dissidents suffered at the hands of the oppressing Nazi tyranny. The paper will focus on the manner that eugenics only led to discrimination and negative human rights practices during the Holocaust.
The eugenics program during the Holocaust focused on the science of improving the human species through selectively mating people with particular desirable hereditary characteristics. The purpose of the program was towards reducing human suffering through breeding put the disabilities, illnesses and undesirable traits from the human population (O'Mathúna, 10).
Eugenics was introduced by the Germans as they asserted that it would it improve its future. Once the project gained massive popularity, the government implemented a policy that was concerned with eradicating any person that had any hereditary illnesses. This policy led to the involuntary sterilization of more than 400,000 Germans that had illnesses such as mental issues, epilepsy and also physical deformities (Norrgard 10). The Eugenics program was eventually based on another program known as race hygiene and finally the euthanasia program that targeted people with physical and mental illnesses.
Hitler significantly asserted that eradicating the Jews through this program as an efficient manner of purging Nazi Germany completely. Eugenics ignored and stripped all the victims of the Holocaust with their basic human rights and individualism (Kevles, 1). This philosophy controlled the breeding of these individuals and sterilized victims from the marginalized groups. This program led to the sterilization of several individuals which facilitated the development of other anti-Semitic programs by the Nazi-government. This ultimately led to the establishment of death camps. Eugenics during the Holocaust only led to the reduction in the number of children being born with various genetic illnesses (Kevles 13).
This eugenics program during the Holocaust is based on artificial selection as it is highly influenced by the subjective beliefs of people in power (O'Mathúna, 10). These individuals decide people that are to remain alive or killed which is a huge injustice to the protection of all lives. Eugenics also kills human diversity. This program led to genetically controlling a new generation of human...
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