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End of Cruelty in Edgar Allen Poe’s Metzengerstein

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Edgar Allan Poe - Short Stories
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End of Cruelty in Edgar Allen Poe’s Metzengerstein
Since prehistory, arts and literature have drawn inspiration from the physical environment and the interaction of human beings among themselves and with the environment CITATION Bue11 \l 2057 ( Buell, Heise and Thornber). Political, economic, and social interactions are essential aspects of inspiring literature environments. In essence, while authors and artists might be naturally gifted to perfection in their various areas of specialization, their work mirrors the events and occurrences in society. Human interaction on the planet has been marred by a variety of both good and bad outcomes. Historically, human beings have been cruel to each other, spreading violence and horror in different places of the earth. In Metzengerstein, Allen Poe shows us that the end to the cruel nature of human beings is a tragedy. This paper seeks to explore Metzengerstein while focusing on the cruel nature of people.
Edgar Allen Poe
Born on the 19th of January, 1809, Poe was an American literary critic, poet, editor, and writer. A variety of his literary work includes poems and short stories focusing on macabre and mystery. Literary scholars regard Poe as a key figure of Romanticism in American literature. According to Merriam-Webster online dictionary, romanticism was a style of art, literature or philosophical movement that began in the 18th century, characterized by a reaction against neoclassicism and an emphasis on emotions and imagination CITATION Hig10 \l 2057 (Higgins and Ruston). Key to romanticism and especially in Poe's work, is a tone of melancholy. Some scholars see romanticism as a rejection of the precepts of order, harmony, calm, rationality, and idealization of the classicism era.
Poe is among the first well-known authors to earn a living from writing alone, a career path that resulted in financial difficulties in his life. Born in Boston as the second child to David and Elizabeth Poe, Poe and his sibling were abandoned by their father in 1810, and his mother died the following year. He attended the University of Virginia, but dropped due to financial problems. Assuming a different name, he enlisted in the army in 1927 CITATION Jef92 \l 2057 (Meyers). After failing as a cadet officer, Poe declared his affection for poetry and writing. Focusing on prose, Poe spent several years studying literary journals and periodicals and developed a unique style of literary criticism. Due to the nature of his work, Poe spent time on the road, moving from Baltimore, through Philadelphia, and ended up in New York City, where he married his 13 year old cousin, Virginia Clemm, in 1836.
In 1845, Poe published his Poem The Raven, whose impact on literature is still significant in modern pop culture. At this time, plans were underway for Poe to start his own journal, The Penn. However, Poe died in 1849, aged 40 before his journal could begin operations CITATION Pau14 \l 2057 (Collins). While the cause of his death remains unknown, substance abuse, alcoholism, and suicide are thought to have been probable causes. For many, the name Poe spurs images of premature burials, murderous madmen, and mysterious female figures with...
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