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Research NFL Players Kneeling During The National Anthem

Research Paper Instructions:

Focus on why people think kneeling is unresfectful toward the flags. On the other hand, the reason they want to do it.

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Why people think kneeling is disrespectful to the flag
According to Roy Moore, NFL protests by kneeling disrespects the rule of law. The Republican State nominee for Alabama indicates that as a Vietnam veteran, he understands the meaning of standing for the flag, defending the country and advancing the freedoms that the US represents globally (Pena). In a statement, Moore said that kneeling during the national anthem demonstrated lack of patriotism and disrespect for the rule of law. Moore emphasizes his sentiments by referencing ‘Title 36 of the United States Code.' According to Section 301 of the code, ‘all persons present during the national anthem should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over their heart.' Apart from the President, Donald Trump, the Vice President has also criticized the move by the NFL players to protest violent killings by kneeling to the flag (Pena). For instance, the Vice President exited an NLF match between Indianapolis Colts and San Francisco 49ers when the players knelt during the national anthem. Mike Pence indicated that he would not dignify and be part of an event whereby people disrespected the US veterans and the national anthem.
Some people feel that the service men and women in the military risk their lives for the sake of the Americans. They fight to ensure that the people continue enjoying the freedoms and rights (Rorke, Tom, and Adam 84). As a result, they deserve to be shown some respect by standing for the flag and protecting it at all costs. These sorts of people believe that all the Americans should be able to stand by the words of their national anthem as written by Scott Key. According to the President, most of the NFL players are ungrateful for the privilege and opportunity the sport has given them in America. As a consequence, the least the country can be able to expect from them is respect for the flag by standing during the national anthem (Rorke, Tom, and Adam 87). Furthermore, other people feel that since the protest started, it has only exacerbated anger more than achieving the sole purpose of addressing the police brutality in America. The increased anger has made the situation worse since most of the people feel that the players are disrespecting the national anthem and the military.
Why people want to kneel towards the flag
On the other hand, there are other people that feel that kneeling is not disrespectful to the flag. These athletes are protesting against core grievances that the government has failed to address for many years. In this context, the main grievance regards police viole...
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