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2 pages/≈550 words
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Literature & Language
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
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The challenges of the integration of immigrant women in the U.S.

Research Paper Instructions:



A research paper plan serves a number of functions.  It gives you a concrete starting place from which to depart and grow.  It forces you to start writing early on.  Most importantly, though, it helps you gauge what you currently know and what you need to discover about your subject.  Plans also help to outline argumentative moves. Your plan should be 2 double spaced pages that address the following components:


  1. The topic of your research and/or the name of the person whose case you will be researching. Also provide a brief summary of the case.
  2. A description of the ethical frame(s) that you plan to use and why
  3. A discussion of the conversation around your topic. What are the major points for taking one action over another? At this point, what do you find most compelling or problematic?
  4. A brief discussion of any questions or problems you’re having at this point
  5. A list of the sources you’ve found


In addition, please fill out the following:


1. Topic: I am studying: ________________________(i.e., how the holocaust changed the political views of Hungarian political prisoners)


2. Conceptual Question: because I want to find out____________(i.e., how the holocaust and genocide changed their mindset)


3. Conceptual Significance: in order to help readers understand_______ (i.e., how genocide impacts our understanding of the past and future)


4. Potential Practical Application: so that readers might better gain a better understanding of __________________________(i.e., the significance this event has on history)


Who is your audience?_______________________________


Finally, please attach a copy of one document that you will be using as your primary source. If you are having difficulty locating a primary source, please let me know or visit the Primary Source link on the Latte page.


We will be conferencing about your plans rather than after the first draft, so the more information you provide the better the feedback that I can offer.






Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Student name
Topic: The challenges of the integration of immigrant women in the U.S.
No other nation on earth prides itself as being a country of immigrants like the U.S. The nation has a long history of accepting people from around the world. The coming of immigrants to the U.S. has been met with challenges. The government has in the past enacted and implemented laws meant to restrict immigration. The move has made it problematic for immigrants to access U.S. Americans are increasingly becoming aware of the need to curb immigration. Coming to American has become more challenging as the government moves to restrict illegal immigration. The reception of immigrants determines how soon they adjust to the new environment and integrate with society. This research seeks to establish the challenges immigrant women face as they integrate into American society.
The research will be guided by ethical principles. Firstly, the research will be designed and undertaken in a manner that ensures adherence to integrity and quality. The findings must be credible hence the need to follow the required processes. Additionally, the independence of the research will be made clear. In case of conflicts of interest or any form of partiality, these should be well outlined. Lastly, the findings should be reliable and without bias. This will ensure that the results can be utilized for future research.
The conversation around the topic will focus on the challenges that immigrant women face as they integrate into the U.S. Some of the challenges that will be examined include the lack of job qualifications, illiteracy, language barrier, exploitation, and restrictive conditions of the family institution among others. The examination of these issues will paint a picture of what immigrant women have to go through. The findings will be critical in establishing what can be done to...
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