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Speech Presentation
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Government Speech Presentation Marcus Molinaro

Speech Presentation Instructions:

Write the speech in first person and the level is high school.

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Marcus Molinaro
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Marcus Molinaro
Ladies and gentlemen. It is my pleasure having you as my audience as l narrate my political journey and life in government. Creating better lives for people is the key and most essential ambition of a leader of integrity. Political ambition should be linked to track records of any political leader that puts the interest of the people over other ambitious prospects. I believe my experience in the political field earns me such opportunities to share on my autobiography and experience working with the government. As I grew older over the years I always dreamt of being an important figure in the decision making levels within government to enable me to help the people of the United States of America.
I attended the Government and Land Use leadership program at Pace University Elisabeth Haub Law School in 2000. Moreover, between 1993 and 1995 I was at the Community College of Dutchess undertaking AS, Social Sciences and Humanities. Earlier, my first encounter with leadership in public office was in 1994 when I was 18 years old. I was voted into the board of trustees of Tivoli unexpectedly. Furthermore, in the next year, I became the youngest mayor ever of Tivoli and the history of the United States. It was the best time of my life as I gained a lot of ...
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