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2 pages/≈550 words
7 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Article Critique On The Theme Should Be On Health

Article Critique Instructions:

Please make this excellent, I have not seen your first work yet but I hope it is good. Remember I need the article
along with the piece you critique
You can get articles from good popular magazines, newspapers, scholarly journals, or notable speeches. Articles provided (or student-selected) need be no more than 500 – 800 words long.
For essays that will be analyzed, your analysis should focus on the following areas:
• The subject of the article.
• The purpose of the article and why you think that is the purpose.
• The primary discourse used by the writer and why that discourse has been chosen
• What are the major devices and techniques used by the writer to achieve the purpose and why these devices were used.
• Give an general assessment of how successful you think the writer has been in achieving the primary purpose in writing the piece.
1. Is the thesis statement clearly expressed?
2. Do the topic sentences support the thesis?
3. Does each body paragraph contain support material (statistics, examples, explanations, facts etc) that effectively illustrate the claim of the topic sentence rather than offering mere generalities?
4. Are the supporting details clearly expressed?
5. Is each paragraph developed in enough specific detail? Could more details be added? More precise language?
6. Are the body paragraphs arranged in a most effective order with a smooth transition from one to another?
7. Does the discussion flow of the paragraphs flow logically and coherently?
8. Is the material organized effectively into the mode (comparison and contrast, cause and effect, process analysis, classification, etc) for the subject material?
please make it 500 words or less

Article Critique Sample Content Preview:
Youth Healthy and Obesity: Article Critique
Obesity among the children and the youth is on the rise in the United States and the world mainly because of the poor eating habits employed by such individuals. Its connection with lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and cancer makes it even more alarming. This study summarizes and critiques an article by Sylvestky et al. (2013) titled Youth Understanding of Healthy Eating and Obesity: A Focus Group Study
Article Summary
The authors posit that obesity among young children and the youth is on the increase worldwide, as is especially common on the southeastern side of the U.S.A. Many youths are increasingly getting fat and are putting themselves at a great risk of developing obesity-related illnesses. The authors state that the increase in obesity among the youth is mainly due to great tendency to eat outside their homes, taking foods high in fats, sugars, added calories and sugars, having a sedentary lifestyle and eating large portions of meals. Research shows that the barriers to healthy lifestyle among the youths mainly emanate from problems in changing habits, preferences, time, practicality and cost of healthy foods (Eagle et al. 2012).
The researchers state in their articles that the most important step in combating child and youth obesity is having a deeper understanding of obesity in the youth and in children. The authors carried the study to investigate the youth’s understanding of whether obesity is a problem and relate this to gaps in dietary habits, nutritional knowledge, and vulnerability to obesity. The researcher gathered the data they required from a qualitative study that utilized 41 youths in a focus group discussion moderated by an experienced moderator. The researcher found out that youths detest nutritious foods because of their taste, most youths understood obesity, and they appreciated each other’s shape. The article is resourceful in understanding the perception of youths concerning obesity and how to help them overcome it.
Article Critique
The article by S...
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