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Case Study
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Global Business Marketing: Apple Vs Samsung Lawsuit

Case Study Instructions:

(For details on how to analyse a case study please read Case Study 1 in your text on pp. 625 - 628.) 
Your task for this assessment is to read the Case Study 2 - Apple Vs Samsung in your text on pp. 629 - 633. Based on your analysis of the case and other research you undertake through journal articles, other sources, etc., answer the following questions:
Provide a brief overview of the smart phone and tablet computer market worldwide. For example, you should identify some key statistics on sales, important countries of production and consumption, and global economic impacts.
Answer Questions 1, 2 and 3 from Case Study 2.
Answer Question 5 from Case Study 2.
Based on your discussion and recommendations for question 5, develop a print ad example for a magazine or newspaper publication for one of the countries of Germany, the UK, Australia, South Korea and the United States as examples of these recommendations in action. You will need to choose a print vehicle particular to the country (for example in the UK you may choose the "Daily Express” newspaper with a circulation of around 432,000 and has a "life & style - Tech” section).
Your ad will need to be written in English.
Assessment Criteria
Executive Summary 15
Introduction to topic 5
1. brief overview of the smart phone and tablet computer market worldwide 10
2. Answer for question 1 15
3. Answer for question 2 10
4. Answer for question 3 15
5. Answer for question 5 10
6. 1 print advertisement 10
Correct referencing both in-text as well as in the reference list using APA Referencing; Professional presentation: no spelling or grammar errors, under word limit, English expression of a high standard 10
Total marks Reduced to a grade out of 40.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Apple Vs Samsung Lawsuit
Student’s Name
Course Title
Professor’s Name
Executive Summary
Apple and Samsung are the world’s biggest mobile phone and computer tablet competing manufacturers. Apple is an American based company, which produces brands such as iPhone, iPad, iOS, iTunes Store, iPod among others (Apple, 2016). On the other hand, Samsung is a South Korean company, which produces a variety of products such as televisions, Smartphones, digital cameras, and semi-conductors, which the company supplies to other businesses like Apple (Samsung, 2016). In the recent past, the two giants have locked horns over patent issues, which form the basis of this paper. This lawsuit is a lesson for other companies to learn from whenever they are releasing a new product to the market. Proper research should be done to avoid such costly complaints.
Apple Vs Samsung Lawsuit
In the present day, Smartphone and tablet computer are a must have marvels of innovation. Competing firms are always on the run to outshine the other in their creative designs. This is the only way they can keep up with the ever-growing needs of customers who are looking for the best and latest technological designs. The leaders in this battle are usually the companies with the most creative and innovative human resources alongside the ability to utilize their capabilities and information. Companies in this position go through legal processes to attain patents for the innovations, which are a major source of their competitive advantage. Apple Inc. vs. Samsung is one of the famous lawsuits that technological rivals have had for patent infringement. This paper analyzes the lawsuit of the two hi-tech giants. Specifically, it evaluates the implications this lawsuit has on many aspects of international markets.
An Overview of the Smartphone and Tablet Computer Market Worldwide
The launch of Apple’s in 2007 which preceded the launch of the iPad computer tablet received the same attention in the Smartphone and tablet computer market. The first touch screen tablet caught the attention of traditional PC users. The market started to quickly shift from desktops and notebooks to Smartphones and tablet computers simply because the tablet computers can offer more than basic features with a lot of convenience. For instance, the internet user base worldwide has grown tremendously in the wake of Smartphones, which offer convenient access to the internet. As a result of their flexibility and excellent connectivity to the internet, electronic business transactions such as online buying, online delivery and electronic money transfer for goods and services can be completed within seconds. This has seen global consumption of products that initially could not reach remote areas, which is good for the producer economies.
In 2012, Samsung, which is a South Korean multinational manufacturer of Smartphone with most of its major markets in Europe, America, China, and rest of Asia, sold more than 45 million Smartphones in the first quarter of the year, which broke the record that Apple had set despite having a worldwide market. Samsung tries to maintain that pace by offering a wider variety of Smartphones, about 50 variations of Galaxy Smartphone...
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