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Case Study
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Management 499 Case 3: DISH Network, Strategy Formulation

Case Study Instructions:

Module 3 - Case

Strategic Planning & Strategy Formulation

Case Assignment

In this case assignment, consider some key strategies recently implemented by Dish in its effort to succeed and compete in its current competitive environment. Discuss the strategic direction of the company and whether you believe the organization to be on the right track.  Make recommendations that you believe would help Dish to gain market share (that is, hypothetically formulate what you think would be useful strategies for Dish to consider).  Also comment regarding whether you believe Dish operates in a socially responsible manner and whether their CSR record helps or hinders their success.

Assignment Expectations

Your case assignment should be a minimum of 4 pages in length. 

You are required to use APA formatting and you are required to cite and reference your sources.  There should be a minimum of three reputable sources cited and referenced in your paper.  

Please make sure you review the assignment rubric prior to writing your assignment.  

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

DISH Network
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In the few previous years, new consumer trends and technological development have rapidly evolved. The TV industry has undergone through a tremendous amount of change. More particularly, the so-called “cord cutting” trend, a shift away from pay-TV providers in preference to web-based services, is increasingly putting the TV industry at risk of facing obsolete. However, an area of TV industry that is at greater risk is satellite-TV providers, and thus, a company such as Dish Network Corp has been forced to adjust to the technology that is rapidly changing in the TV industry. Providing Satellite TV services enabled Dish Network to prosper in the1990s, but at present it is putting the company at risk of lagging behind. With the introduction of rapid services of internet-based programming, satellite-TV providers like DISH Network are being compelled to look at other alternatives and embrace change for them to remain relevant in the TV industry. Despite facing the challenge, DISH is pursuing strategies to stay relevant.
Currently, DISH has devised strategies to develop a strong financial foundation and to prepare for problems which lie ahead. To compete and become successful in its current competitive environment, DISH Network Corporation is currently applying diversification strategy, acquisition strategy, partnership strategy, and programming strategy (Fox, 2015). Its strategies majorly have focused on the need to change its technology, services, and products it renders to customers.
DISH is the third largest pay-TV provider in the United States after the AT&T-Direct and Comcast. It is the second-largest satellite TV provider in the United States after DirecTV. However, Moritz (2015) says that the pay-TV market is saturated and becoming obsolete because thousands of customers are abandoning the pay-TV services to prefer using online streaming services introduced by companies like Netflix.
DISH currently applies diversification strategy to diversify its business. The company uses partnership strategy to partner with other companies to improve the quality of services being offered to consumers. Moreover, DISH applies acquisition strategy to acquire bankrupt companies to focus providing spectrum (wireless internet services) to clients (Fox, 2015). The company has developed technological capabilities to supply wireless internet. Lastly, DISH has developed a programmatic strategy to attract digital advertisers to come on TV.
Strategic Direction
DISH’s strategic direction involves implementing the course of actions to enable the company to achieve the objectives of its strategies. Currently, DISH is using diversification, partnership, acquisition and divestment strategies to stay relevant in the competitive TV industry. Regarding acquisition strategy, in 2011, DISH acquired TerreStar and DBST North America to invest in the spectrum to enable it to supply wireless network. DISH also has acquired Blockbuster (the bankrupt video rental giant) to provide video entertainment. Moreover, DISH has developed a programmatic strategy to attract digital advertisers to come to TV (Arnobit, 2015). DISH has part...
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