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Business & Marketing
Case Study
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MKTG 1110: Washburn International Guitars-Marketing Quantitative Analysis

Case Study Instructions:

Washburn International Guitars. Marketing Quantitative Analysis and Decision Making. (Case Note: Reliable References are REQUIRED to adequately address the questions in this case.)


Students may use the questions as a framework to answer and develop your case assignment.  This would also include gathering secondary research.  Although your opinion is warranted, it has to be backed by the research findings you include.

In addition:

1.   Cite secondary sources:  LIMIT OPINIONS TO THINGS YOU CAN SUPPORT WITH REFERENCES. Stay away from using terms such as "I think", "I feel", or "I believe" without support.

Make sure to include your Works Cited page. Remember that writing a marketing case is fundamentally about analyzing a business problem and locating information that can help you solve that problem.  This information can be both primary data or secondary data.  In any case, personal opinion is not enough. You need to find/include sources in your case. 

2.  Make sure you draw conclusions.  At the college level, the focus shifts from summarizing information to drawing conclusions about what you have read/learned into an actionable plan. That is what the conclusions are about. I realize that you are all beginning marketing students and your conclusions will be much different as your careers and education progress. Nevertheless, it is important that you become comfortable with making recommendations based on the information you found. That is at the heart of what a business pays for. There are ALWAYS hidden questions that must be answered such as "HOW" and "WHY".

3.  Grammar/style.  Please check your papers carefully for punctuation, run-on sentence and sentence fragment errors.  You might consider using a friend/family member to review your paper or make use of the online writing center.  For a business person in general--and a marketing professional in particular--being able to express your ideas grammatically and clearly is paramount. Write out each question asked and then provide your responses.

4.  Case study Format.  Case studies should be submitted using the following format:

o  3-4 pages in length.

o  12pt font – 1-inch side margins 

o  Double Spaced 

o  Standard business English with fewer than 5 grammatical/punctuations errors 

o  MS-Word  or PDF  to assure that it can be opened.

  • APA or MLA format is acceptable

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 

 5.  Submission Guidelines.  This assignment MUST be submitted using theONLINE ASSIGNMENT FEATURE on the course website by the time designated on the course calendar.  After this time, the link will not be available.  Assignments can always be submitted ahead of time.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Washburn International Guitars-Marketing Quantitative Analysis and Decision Making Marketing Principles – MKTG 1110
Price & Marketing Math Case: Answer Sheet Business
Eibling Hall 401
1] What factors are most likely to affect demand for the lines of Washburn guitars (a) bought by first-time guitar buyers and (b) by a sophisticated musician who wants a signature model?
Fist time buyer - the price, ease of use, and quality of guitars are the main factors influencing the purchasing behavior. First time buyers are more willing to purchase the guitars when they are low priced, while being a recognized brand and of good quality (Stone, 1996). Another factor is the resale value for those who are likely to resell the guitars.
Sophisticated musicians - The buyers look at the quality, prestige and performance of the guitar for the preferred type of music. The sophisticated musicians also look at the design, appearance and whether the guitars are associated with prestige. Unlike the first time buyers, they are less inclined to make purchasing decisions based on price alone.
2] For Washburn, what are some factors that may cause the demand curve for the new guitar line to shift (movement of the demand curve?)
The shift in the demand curve is associated with factors that change the demand other than price. The music instrument manufacturing sector is increasingly changed, and players have to adapt to these changes to be competitive (Garland, 2015). The movement of the demand curve is mostly associated with price sensitivity, and the range of guitar products in the market including signature guitars.
3] In Washburn’s Chicago plant, what is the break-even point in units and sales?
(BEP) for the new line of guitars, if the suggested retail price is
(a) $850,
(b) $900,
(c) $1000.
Show your work. Hint: Calculate Washburn’s selling price to retailers first.
$ 850
Retail Price $ 850, Retail markup= 50%: Net Price= $425/ unit
Fixed costs (FC) = $ 360,000
Unit variable costs (VC) = ($15/ hr* 8hrs) + $150/ unit= $270
BEP =FCP – UVCBEP =$360,000$425 – $270
BEP= 2,323 units
BEP in sales=2,322.28*425=$987,275
(b)$ 900
Retail Price $ 900, Retail markup= 50%: Net Price= $450/ unit
Fixed costs (FC) = $ 360,000
Unit variable costs (VC) = ($15/ hr* 8hrs)+ $150/ unit= $270
BEP =FCP – UVCBEP =$360,000$450 – $270BEP= 2,000
BEP in sales= 2,000* $450= $900,000
(c)$ 1,000
Retail Price $ 1,000 Retail markup= 50%: Net Price= $500/ unit
Fixed costs (FC) = $ 360,000
Unit variable costs (VC) = ($15/ hr* 8hrs) + $150/ unit= $270
= $360,000($500-$270)
BEP= 1,566 units
BEP in sales= 1,566.22*500= $782,610
4] If Washburn achieves the sales target of 25,000 units at $850 suggested retail price, what will its profit be?
Show your work. Hint: Calculate Washburn’s selling price to retailers first. (Profit = Total Revenue – Total Costs) (10 points possible)
Retail Price (P) = $ 850, the retail markup is 50% and the net price= $ 425
= Total Revenue – Total Cost
= (Unit Price x Quantity Sold) – Total Cost
Price= Tot...
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