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Business & Marketing
Case Study
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Netflix Case Studies Summary Paper: Studying the Market

Case Study Instructions:

The ISBN is 978-1-111-82587-4 and the name of the book is Strategic Management by Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson. It was a study done from Arizona State University. Names of the authors are: Benjamin Archer, Jessica Dunphy, Steven Carter, Ioana Ludwick, Mitchel Nosack and Aatif Qadeer.
1. Read the Netflix Case Study in Case Study section of the text.
2. Write a summary of the case study. Be sure to define entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial mind-set and define strategic entrepreneurship and corporate entrepreneurship as it relates to the Netflix case study.
Your summary should be a minimum of 2-3 double-spaced pages and must be in your own words. Use APA style. You must include 3-5 references. Only one reference may be from the internet (not Wikipedia). The other references must be located within the Grantham University online library. Only the body of the paper will count towards the page requirement. Please see the rubric below.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Netflix case study
Most successful companies were built on strong entrepreneurial mindset and strategic positioning. One of most successful startups relied deeply on the entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial mind for success. And however, how much these companies grow them continually depend on the characteristics of perpetual startup. These companies develop competitive advantage, strategically plan and adopt based on feedback learned, build lasting relationship with clients, take risks and discover opportunities using networks. One of such companies is Netflix. This paper analyzes Netflix case study regarding the entrepreneurial mindset, corporate entrepreneurship, and strategic entrepreneurship.
Netflix case studies summary
Netflix was born as a result of the embarrassment of having to pay late fees by blockbuster after renting movies from them. Netflix CEO set to solve that problem by offering service without "never late fees". While people flocked wall mat and Blockbuster to rent a movie, Netflix set out to provide a tailored DVD delivery system that not only fastened delivery but also ensured users were not charged for late delivery.( Hitt, Hoskisson, & Ireland,2013)
After studying the market, Netflix CEO, Hastings realized that delivery time for DVDs was slow. Netflix came up with a website that allowed movie lovers to access movie rentals online and also devised a way of easing and speeding delivery. Netflix partnered with service providers. At the time of creation, DVD technology was new and people preferred VHSs. Netflix clearly positioned itself to take advantage of the new technology that would eventually replace the VHS. To beat early completions, Netflix offered free rental to customers in early stages, additionally, Netflix strategically entered a truce with Amazon to end stop amazons foray into DVD business, and this killed competition from early on.
Though fast delivery, low prices and hassle-free access to movies, Netflix managed to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty. The ease by which customers could browse through the website and select the desired movies became an instant hit with the customers. This ensures convenience as a client can access videos from their home and the delivery is fast. Netflix partnered with Universal parcel services to provide timely door to door delivery.
Using a wider selection and recommendation system to attract traffic to the site, and coupled with faster delivery, Netflix has managed to retain customers and attract more to the site. The system has accounted for about 50% of Netflix's traffic. Consumers also enjoy unlimited rentals plan that also boost their acceptance of the internet as a reliable way to accessing movies.
The key to Netflix online success has been a robust deli...
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