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Case Study
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Branding Alignment with Keller's Model

Case Study Instructions:

Consider how the branding process Wheeler outlined can align with Keller’s model of customer-based brand equity. Provide a hypothetical or real-world example of how a step in the branding process could, or has furthered, your or someone else’s advanced placement within Keller’s pyramid. Approach this discussion question from a scholar-practitioner perspective.
All main posts must be scholarly and include ample citations/discussion of the text(s)
Reading: Designing Brand Identity pp 102 - 131 + 212 - 221
https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=rEgxTKUP_WI This is a terrific short video that introduces the topic of semiotics, the study of signs and symbols
https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=QdsBGphzVJI For those who want to go deeper into branding and its history, I think you'll find this to be a very interesting and informative video (approx 30 minutes).

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Branding Alignment with Keller's Model
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Branding Alignment with Keller's Model
Branding enhances customer loyalty, creates employee engagement, and enhances business growth. The branding process Wheeler can align with Keller's model in specific ways.
Branding is based on fictional and external brand images (ANA, n.d). This process can align with Keller's models of customer-based equity since brands should create the right experiences to influence their customers' feelings, beliefs, perceptions, judgments, and thoughts regarding their products (MTCT, 2022). Allen et al. (2008) explained that a brand's network has various abstraction levels and links connecting it and its customers. These links and abstraction levels vary in strength and include personal beliefs, sensory images, opinions, attitudes, judgments, and beliefs. Branding aligns with Keller's model by researching, clarifying strategies, creating a business identity, developing touch points, and managing assets (Lyons, 2013).
Keller's pyramid has four...
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