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2 pages/≈550 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Healthcare Administration Organization/Facility Development

Case Study Instructions:

Module 4 Reflective Discussion: How Applicable?
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1. Assignment Expectations:
a. Address concept A and B (below) in about 150 words each.
b. You will be graded on how well you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept, and critical thinking pertaining to the applicability of the concept to your professional practice. Points awarded will follow the breakdown below.
c. You will neither be required to make, nor graded on, responses to your peers. One posting will suffice.
2. The Assignment: Given the readings and assignments in the course, identify and discuss two concepts or lessons learned that you believe will be most applicable to your professional discipline as a Nurse Administrator in a Hospital setting.
Concept A Below:(points 10/20):
a. Identify/define (points 4/20
b. Your professional discipline and
c.How applicable (points 6/20)
3. Concept B- Below: (points 10/20):
Regulatory Compliance, Health Care Law, and Ethics
a. Identify /define (points 4/20)
b. Your professional discipline and How applicable -6-10 points

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Healthcare Administration Capstone Reflective Discussion
Student Name
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Healthcare Administration Capstone Reflective Discussion
Concept A: Organization/Facility Development
The organizational development concept can be conceptualized as an attempt to understand the complex internal processes and systems impacting the success of any healthcare facility. It recognizes the need to tailor a hospital’s mission, vision, and values to the external environment to structure the organization and its service delivery models to achieve optimal results as well as better healthcare outcomes in the community (Mick et al., 2014). In this context, the healthcare administrator’s role in hospital settings includes examining the target population’s demographics and social determinants of health to establish healthcare delivery gaps. Conducting the target community’s healthcare assessment allows the healthcare administrator to tailor initiatives to bring the clinics and care services closer to the people and thus impact their health outcomes (Chaves et al., 2021). The hospital administrator implements the organization development concept by creating a mission and practice values that recognize the structural inequalities in the community and develop initiatives that enhance healthcare access to marginalized communities.
Concept B: Regulatory Compliance, Healthcare Law, and Ethics
The regulatory compliance, health care law,...
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