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4 pages/β‰ˆ1100 words
3 Sources
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Acquiring and Retaining Talent in the Nursing Profession

Case Study Instructions:

In this assignment, assume you work for a consulting firm and have been tasked to help fill a position for a client company. The company is a private-sector business located in your home state.
First, go to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, latest edition (https://www(dot)bls(dot)gov/ooh/ ) and research a position that is interesting to you. Assume that this position is the position you need to fill for this assignment. You are to address each of the following:
After reading the Roberts (2020) article that identifies exactly what should be on a job announcement, develop a one-page job announcement or recruitment flier to announce the industry-specific opening for a position you found in the Occupational Outlook Handbook. This job announcement or flyer could be put on your consulting company’s website as well as other locations. Creatively, match the flyer design to the client’s industry.
Roberts, M. (2020). How to post a great job listing. The Balance Careers. https://www(dot)thebalancecareers(dot)com/what-information-is-included-on-a-job-posting-1669554
Should diversity and inclusion be built into the recruitment flier? If so, how?
[This flier needs to be submitted in the assignment drop box along with the essay as described below.]
In your essay, include the following sections:
Introduction. (Do not include an "Introduction" heading for the introduction section that introduces your reader to your paper.) However, there must be an assignment title of your choosing at the top of the page instead.
Comparing Job Announcements: (provide heading of your choice).
[In order to write this section, first view a website such as and locate a job announcement for the same position you developed. Alternatively, you can meet with your company’s HRM and review a similar job announcement.]
Compare the obtained announcement with the one you created and write about the differences you see:
Which ones are in the announcement you obtained but not in your created announcement?
Which ones are in your announcement but not in the one you found?
Wouldyou change your announcement to incorporate any of the differences that you noted being on one announcement but not in the other? Why or why not?
Critique how diversity and inclusion is addressed in your announcement as compared to the announcement you found.
Recruiting Strategies: (provide heading of your choice).
Explain in detail what recruiting strategies you would employ to find candidates qualified for this opening for your client company.
Selection Processes: (provide heading of your choice).
Describe which selection processes you will use to choose the best person for the job.
Conclusion: Don’t forget to wrap up your essay with a few summary statements of findings you discovered while completing this assignment.
Support your work by using at least three high-quality references from peer-reviewed academic sources, such as academic or industry journals or textbooks.
Note: This assignment requires two submitted documents, (a) the job announcement or recruitment flier, and (b) a 3- to 4-page Word document (not counting the cover page or the reference page).

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Acquiring and Retaining Talent – Case
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Lecturer Name
Assignment Due Date
Job Announcement
We have nursing opportunities for competent and qualified registered nurses ready to work for our organization. We are offering $ 800 as the starting salary for skilled and qualified individuals. Interested candidates should apply for the position by 31/05/2022. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Position Summary
As a professional team member, a registered nurse's role is to deliver safe, effective, and person-centered care to assigned patients according to outlined policies, procedures, and standards of nursing practice. Working at the full scope of practice, the RN's overall function is to assess, plan, execute, and analyze the healthcare conditions and enhance the quality of life by meeting every person's physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs.
Education and Experience
* Bachelor of Science in Nursing
* Has passed the National Council Licensure Examination
* Has earned Associate Degree in Nursing
* Has met all requirements to become a nurse outlined by the State's licensing body.
* At least five years of experience as a registered nurse
Duties and Responsibilities
* Observe and record patient behavior
* Collect patient history
* Perform physical examinations and diagnostic tests
* Direct and supervise healthcare providers
* Administer medications
* Counsel and educate patients and their families regarding the treatment plan
* Research ways to improve patient outcomes and healthcare processes
* Read and interpret patient information
* Consult with physicians and supervisors to decide on the best treatment plans
Key Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
* Demonstrate a person-centered attitude and commitment to the organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategic goals
* Demonstrate commitment to healthy workplace culture
* Demonstrate excellent physical condition to achieve the position’s physical demands
* Demonstrate ability to attend work regularly
* Demonstrate effectiveness working with minimal supervision with proven trustworthiness and reliability
* Knowledge of professional standards of practice
* Committed to evidence-based practices to ensure delivery of effective, safe, and patient-centered care.
Minimum Requirement
* Must be at least 18 years of age
* Previous experience working as a registered nurse
* Must be able to pass a criminal background check
* Must be willing to work full time
Job announcement and selection are key functions of human resource management. To attract the best talents, human resource management includes education and experience, duties and responsibilities, and minimum job requirements. Job announcement and selection processes determine the best candidate suitable for the job. According to Abdollahi et al. (2018), recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs.
Comparison of the Registered Nurse Job Announcement with the Obtained Job Announcement
The job announcement I created differs from the one I ob...
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