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Case Study
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Briefly Summarize The Case In Your Own Words: Campbell Soup

Case Study Instructions:

Situation Analysis
“Synopsis” –read the article and briefly summarize the case in your own words – evaluate the internal and external issues that are being faced of Campbell's Soup. The link of the article is below.
Attached is an example of the Nike case study, please read and then write the Campbell's Soup case study.

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Campbell Soup Case Study
There is a shift going on in the Big Food market as consumers are seeking genuine and authentic food. As noted in the case, the consumers are skeptical of the abilities of established food companies to deliver such food. It is for this reason that top companies are losing market share as consumers are moving towards organic foods. According to the Organic Trade Association, the sales of organic food has tripled over the last ten years, with the rise from 2016 alone being 11% (Kowitt). According to Denise Morrison, Campbell Soup’s CEO, an increasing number of consumers are looking for genuine and authentic food.
When Morrison took over the sale of Campbell soup was going down, with a drop of over 18%. When Bolthouse was put up for sale in 2012, she bought it. Morrison also bought Plum Organics, a baby-food maker company. These businesses earn revenue of 8.3 billion for the Campbell Soup Company. This has allowed firm to grab the emerging market as well as the capacity to deal with new entry threats.
The strengths of Campbell that puts it in a favorable position lies in the brand loyalty, powerful CEO, low prices, and the acquired companies. Ever since she took over in 2011, Morrison has helped the firm acquire other brands that deal with genuine and authentic food. The weakness of the firm lies in its sincerity regarding its product. As noted in the case, consumers are skeptical of “the barn on the package.” Another weakness of the firm is its slim gross margins. Campbell has the opportunity to rebrand in the wake of changing market dynamics. The firm also has the opportunity to acquire more firms that deal ...
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