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Business & Marketing
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My Career And Management Information Technology

Coursework Instructions:

I am general business major, so most of job connect with business major such as accounting can be career choices.

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My career and management information technology Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course date MY CAREER AND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (MIS) QUESTION 1 1. Why is it important for a business major to learn and understand MIS? MIS is a business function like human resource, project management, and accounting. MIS moves information about products and process across an organization to facilitate decision making and problem-solving. Management information system is a fundamental feature of the contemporary business environment. Understanding all the management practices associated with information technology can make a business major an instance commodity in the innovation world. In today’s business world it is important for an individual to be able to manage the storage, transmission, and analysis of information (Koumpis 2012). Studying and learning of management information system allows a business major to understand orders put on employees and the ethical challenges that may arise. MIS helps a business major to understand the importance of information technology in an organization. The type of information technology that a company uses affects the decisions that a business major will make regarding structure and strategies of an organization as well as customer relations. As a business major, there are certain circumstances where an individual may be required to make decisions for an organization. In this case, management information systems will assist a business major to make data-driven decisions for a company. MIS is also important for a business operating in the information age (Koumpis 2012). This is because data can be used and also processed into information. With enough business intelligence, this information can be used by a knowledgeable business major to make competent decisions for a company. QUESTION TWO 2. Your Career and Management Information Systems (MIS) PROJECT MANAGER A project manager must demonstrate advanced computer skills in Microsoft office suite applications. In this type of career, a person is required to use data to understand the commencement of the job, the customers and the profits realized in a business. This information is used to analyze the best customers and investors, the weakest products in the market, and the best sales that produce maximum profit. Business intelligence skill is required to examine the finances, competitors, and company sales. It is essenti...
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