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Learning Reflection For Career In Digital Media And Technology

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment you will reflect on your key learnings throughout this semester. Everyone will write their own Learning Reflection paper as a business report. You must follow proper and professional business writing and formatting guidelines. Include the specified sections below. You must also include an introduction paragraph that sets the context of this paper and previews the content, and a conclusion paragraph that summarizes the key points of the paper.
Header with your name, course title and section number, professor name and due date included at the top of each page.
Consistent, organized, clear format for bullets, spacing, font size, parallel construction.
Headings for each section to guide readers through report.
Bullets can organize your text but be sure to include enough text detailing information in your report and setting the context for a bulleted list. A series of bullet points is not sufficient for this assignment.
Proofreading for grammatical, spelling, technical errors.
Sections to Include:
Introduction and Conclusion paragraph - include an introduction paragraph that sets the context of this paper and previews the content, and a conclusion paragraph that summarizes the key points of the paper. Unlike the other 3 sections, you do not need a heading for these two sections. Simply write the paragraph and then use headings for all other three sections below.
Career Field Overview – briefly give an overview of what career field and job(s) you are interested in:
Explain this field and job(s). Explain why you are interested and what you learned about it this semester.
Describe what you learned about your own skills for your career field and job(s), e.g. your Personality Assessment.
Describe what you learned from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and LinkedIn about your career field and job(s), including descriptions of the field and job(s).
What advice would you give future students taking this course?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Digital Media Career Introduction Finding the right career path is a crucial part of every student’s dreams. It is the binding element to the pursuit of education and one that drives the enthusiasm to make in life. I want to pursue a career in digital media and technology ( This is a field that rhymes with my aspirations to connect with different types of people and exchange ideas on various topics. I feel that technology will help me achieve these dreams by increasing my efficiency. I have aspirations to achieve high quality skills in the field to be in a position to stand out among the professionals in this sector. By interacting with professionals in the field and interviewing them, I gained valuable information and insights of how to achieve my goals in this field (Clapp). Digital Media Career The field of digital media and technology is one that has great potential now and in the future (Davidson). I am interested in this field relative to the fact that I have a personality that pushes me to want to interact with different people and exchange ideas. I feel comfortable around people that are sharing information about new technologies and the impact that such advances are having in the society. This is a career path that is largely been informed by my liking to communicate and get in touch with people. I am also styling to make sure that I sharpen my skills in the field and become the best professional at the height of my abilities. It is important to note that, the field requires some of the most skilled and talents individuals. As such, education is one of the pillars to achieving such a wealth of information and skills. At the same time, there is also the element of interacting with the professionals in the industry. This way, one is able to gain the insights of the developments in the industry and more importantly, guidance on what to pursue relative to the future changes. The job of interest is that of a store manager, working with 7 Eleven family of stores (LinkedIn). This will require me to manage the employees that are in the various stores and anything that revolves around them. Responsibilities of the position include recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training, managing labor hours, adjusting rates, managing disciplinary actions, preparing conduct performance reviews, resolving employees’ conflicts and initiating employee termination among others (Davidson). The Semester This semester has been quite influential in the sense that, I have learnt quite a number of interesting elements in relation to my field and even myself. One of the aspects that came out quite clearly in this semester is the fact that, one should always match their careers with what they love most doing. Ideally there is need to match careers with one’s personality. This will assist in the element of making sure that the skills and the talents are matched to the tasks of the position. This reduces the chance of feeling the loss of motivation. There is an element of struggle that is associated with working in a field which does not meet one’s personality. For example in my case, I like interacting with different people and even exchanging ideas. The position of a store manager is one that is going to ...
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