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1 page/≈275 words
3 Sources
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.83


Coursework Instructions:
1.) Many organizations focus on continuous improvement processes to aid efficiency improvement, reduce waste, and/or maximize profits. In your posting, discuss three of the continuous improvement foci areas you have experienced in your job or organization and discuss the effectiveness (or benefits) of such initiatives. Decide what change management issues are present that limit the organization's efforts in continuous improvement. What are the forces driving the initiative? What practices could be improved? What should be abandoned? 2.) Describe the structure and importance of a project phase review meeting. Select three areas that need to be reviewed by the project manager and explain why. Create a list of stakeholders that should be invited to the meeting. Why did you choose these stakeholders? What should all the meeting participants be able to walk away from the meeting with? References Kerzner, H. (2005). Using the Project Management Maturity Model: Strategic planning for Project management (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Coursework Sample Content Preview:
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PROCESS Student’s Name Course Code Institution Affiliation Date of submission Question 1 Continuous improvement process is an ongoing effort by organization to engage employees to improve information, products and materials. Their efforts focus on small incremental steps that are aimed to improve and change customers’ value, while reducing non value adding activities thereby reducing operating costs and remaining competitive in the dynamic global environment (Marsh, 1988). The improvements have to keep pace with the changing environment in which an organization operates. The issues that are paced during these improvements results from aligning the purpose- what need to be done, the resources to do what an organization does (people), and how these resources go about in fulfilling the purpose of the organization (values). The understanding of the organizations mission and the environment in which the organization operates enhance the improvements of culture, which consequently improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization to achieve its goals (Mahadevan, 2009). This understanding is engaged in the alignment of perceived goals by the stakeholders’ expectations, needs and wants that inform future continuous improvements. Question 2 Project phase review meeting is important because it is a method of communication, which is criti...
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