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Business & Marketing
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Davis 27/Seven Childcare Business Plan

Coursework Instructions:

I've been working throughout this course on a business plan, and in this weeks assignment, I will need to finalize my business plan with the executive summary (step 2), the marketing strategy (step 8), the Plan of Operation (step 12), the Financial Statements (step 13), the Loan or Investment Proposal (step 14), and the conclusion (step 15). I've uploaded the business plan for reference when data is needed to complete the outline below: I Executive Summary A. Company name (Davis 24Seven Childcare) B. Name address and phone numbers of all key people C. Brief description of the business, its services, the customer problems they solve, and the company’s competitive advantage D. Brief overview of the market for your products and services E. Brief overview of the strategies that will make your company successful F. Brief description of the managerial and technical expertise of key people G. Brief statement of the financial request and how the money will be used H. Charts or tables showing highlights of financial forecasts VIII Marketing Strategy A. Target Strategy 1 problem to be solved or benefit to be offered 2 demographic profile 3 other significant customer characteristics B Customers motivation to buy C Market size and trends 1 How large is the market 2 Is it growing or shrinking? How so? D personal selling efforts 1 Sales force size, recruitment, and training 2 Sales force compensation 3 Number of calls per sale 4 Amount of average sale E Advertising and promotion 1 Media used 2 Media costs 3 Frequency of usage 4 Plans for generating publicity F Pricing G Cost structure 1 fixed 2 variable H Test market results 1 Surveys 2 Customer feedback on prototypes 3 Focus groups XII Plan of Operation A. Form of ownership chosen and reasoning B. Company structure (organization chart) C. Decision making authority D. Compensation and benefits package XIII Financial Forecasts (suitable for an appendix) A. Key assumptions B. Financial Statements (year 1 by month, years 2 and 3 by quarter) 1 Income statement 2. Balance Sheet 3. Cash Flow Statement C. Break even analysis D. Ratio analysis with comparison to industry standards XIV Loan or Investment Proposal A. Amount requested B. Purpose and use of funds C. Repayment or cash out schedule (exit strategy) D. Timetable for implementing plan and launching business. XV Conclusion A strong conclusion to a business plan can cement the support you need to grow your small business. A weak, uninspired conclusion can leave potential investors feeling exactly that way. Since a business plan is a hypothetical, it should make your investors feel as confident as you do, if not more. A strong conclusion will reiterate your overall vision, specify what you need from the reader and give them a call to action that will inspire them to join you. Fail to do so and the work you put into drafting Step 1 Write with an optimistic tone. If you sound like you don’t believe in your company, the reader won’t either. Say, “By following this plan, ABC Company will meet its financial goals,” rather than, “If we are fortunate, ABC Company can gain success.” Step 2 Summarize the opportunity. A detailed business plan provides a great deal of information like start-up capital, projections and target demographics. Summarize and remind the reader of that information. Step 3 Outline where you expect to be in the next three to five years. Show the reader that he will benefit from investing in your company. For example, “Following projections, ABC company will grow 50 percent over the first five years.” Step 4 Emphasize what sets you above your competitors. To convince a reader to invest, you want a competitive edge. “The combination of years of industry experience combined with cutting-edge technology has ABC company poised to claim the top spot in the market.” Step 5 Tell the reader what you expect from him. The plan itself may interest him, but his idea of a contribution may differ from what you need. If you are looking for a $20,000 investment, specify that number. Step 6 Finish with a call to action. If you’ve done your job, the reader is interested and knows what is expected of him. A final push may well seal the deal. For example, “Take this exciting opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a company with unlimited growth potential.”



III. Vision and Mission Statement


A. Entrepreneur’s vision/mission for the company

1. The vision of Davis 24/Seven 360 Children’s Center will provide affordable and safe childcare. Our services will be scheduled for children 6 weeks to 16 years of age 24 hours 7 days a week. We will support families with full times jobs, shift workers as well as parents on deployment. DCC determined to create the environment of home away from home.

2. The mission of Davis 24/Seven 360 Children’s Center is to be known throughout the 757 Hampton Roads 7 cities area for providing the highest quality of care and education to children. We provide fair benefits to caregivers, janitors, and cafeteria workers. DCC is dedicated to providing monthly training and education to ensure they are equip with the tools to protect, serve, and keep the 360 circle happy and safe.


B. “What business are we in”

1. DCC offers full time weekly care. Drop-in care will be on a case by case basis depending upon space available.

2. DCC is accredited with the National Association for Family Child Care. All inspection background checks and required certified training is conducted by NCIS and VA Beach Health department.

3. DCC has partnered with The School Liaison Program which helps students transition from daycare to preschool. The programs also help kids of all ages cope with the facility being a temporary home while parents are away for long periods of time (deployment).

4.ŸDCC supports Special needs children and the facility was built to make their transition easier. Top Notch Staff hired with special training to give the best care.


C. Values and principles on which the business stands

Our mission is just as important as our values. 360 is a number we use because it turns full circle. Happy employees leads to happy children which leads to happy parents and the circle continues.

1. Respect is required up and down the chain at DCC. Children will learn to respect themselves and will have respect for others. Parents and caregivers are involved with daily activities to ensure respect is maintained. It is important that moral value is taught at an early age so that children will know the difference in the right and wrongs things.


2. Learning is not required but is a high priority at DCC. We guide the young minds to be creative and discover hidden talents as well as motivate them to succeed up to their full potential. 

3. Caring makes a big difference in everyone’s life.  Caring for our children at DCC will only show the children that they are love and they are safe


D. What makes the business unique?

1. What makes our business unique is that DCC has a clinic with a physician on call 24/7 and a registered nurse on staff at all times. Children with minor illness and injuries can remain under care in isolation until their primary doctor permits their return to the center.

IV. Company History (for existing business only)

A. Davis 24/Seven 360 Children’s Center is a facility that promotes a home away from home. The Owner of DCC is a 20 year retired USN Veteran. I’m a single parent that knows how stressful it can to trust anyone with young children. From experience, I’ve known how the military or starting a job on probation where time off is not allowed. The job comes first and everything else falls into place later. With that being said there wasn’t always a childcare center available after normal working hours and it definitely wasn’t a back-up plan if a child was sent home for minor sickness that required the child to be out for 24 hours. I’m the oldest of 8 children; I’ve had the job of taken care of all my siblings and also started babysitting in the summer as early as 10 years old. Children are my passion and making sure they are happy, healthy and safe are my primary goals.  Educating and keeping them on the general or advance learning curve is a bonus if parent approve of the ABeka learning program.


V.   Industry Profile and Overview

 A.  Industry analysis

1. Industry background and overview

Davis 24/Seven 360 is a child care facility will be targeting double income professional families, single parent families, and military shift working/deployment read families who, because of work obligations, do not have the time during the day /night to care for their child. Davis/Seven offer more than just babysitting. It’s a home away from home to children that will be with us 25 hours 7 days a week for months on end.  Our children will be enrolled in special programs that will help them develop in a number of many different skills.

2. Significant trends

Davis 24/Seven 360 is a child care facility is not just targeting one specific customer group. Low to middle class, middle to upper class, and also two income professional family are also targeted. These group of families have both parents working and the money to help raise their child and the low income family that doesn’t have the financial stability can qualify under special circumstances with a payment plan and/or waiver.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Contacts of Important People in the Firm
Owner/ President: Christina L. Davis
Phone: Fax: Email:
Director: Janice Marshell,, PhD. Phone: Fax: Email
Deputy Director: Boyce Ginieczki, (PhD Replace) Phone: Fax: Email:
Industry Consultant: Mr. Quinton Westmoreland
Phone: Fax: Email:
Davis 24/7 Childcare offers affordable and safe day and childcare on a round the clock basis. Our services will be scheduled for children of six weeks to 16 years in a 24 hours basis. We will offer child support for families with full time jobs, shift workers as well as parents on deployment. DCC is determined to create an environment of home away from home care environment. There is also a drop-in care program, which will be on a first come, and first served basis depending on the available space. Additionally, DCC has also collaborated with The School Liaison Program, which helps students to transition from daycare to pre-school programs. The programs also help children of all ages cope with the facility as their temporary home while parents are away for long or short period. Finally, DCC supports Special needs children and the facility is designed to make their transition easier.
Competitive Advantage
Differentiation of products and diversity of its customers is one of the key advantages for this business. Our center is not just a daycare facility. We want to promote a learning environment, as well as a home away from home care environment. In other words, Davis 24/Seven 360 do not only target one customer group. Rather, it targets low to a middle class, middle to upper class, as well as two income professional families. This group of families has both parents working and the money to help raise their child and the low income family that doesn't have the financial stability can qualify under special circumstances with a payment plan and/or waiver. This has the potential of generating many clients for this facility.
The company's pioneer, Christina Davis, is not only a committed member of this entity, but has also a wide experience in raising children. She also has proven leadership and employee development ability as well as extensive experience with strategic planning. The Industry Consultant, Mr. Quinton Westmoreland, on the other hand, is reliable personnel for his expertise in industry matters. In addition, he also harbors massive knowledge of Norfolk County Child Care Licensing requirements, and government supplemental programs among other qualifications.
Market Overview
The target market for this center will be on double income professional families, single parent families, and military shift working/deployment families, who since they are too busy in their work do not have the time to care for their child/children. The facts that the facility will work round the clock and offer diversified services are some of the strategies that will make our b...
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